coepode die-off


I'm not sure what happened but that evening everything and everybody was fine the next mourning there were hundreds of dead coepodes along with a dead yelow tang and later on a dead manderin it was like the oxyjen was taken out of the tank. My five percs survived along with all my corals and anenomes why would this effect only certain things and not the whole tank I even see that there is still some coepodes alive so what happened.All tank parameters are fine and were fine(ammon,nit,cal,phos,natr).It's a lagoonal reef with six different types of micro-algae and at first I thought maybe the algae went into sexual reproduction but the algae is still alive and it usaully dies off if it doe's this ,so what do you think happened?


I had the same thing happen.. It was in a micro reef and the only coinscience was that my starfish died (which I thought I read somewhere that they can emmit a toxitiy when stressed) but that was never determined.. All of a sudden everything (A purple tang, a coral banded shrimp, a pepermint shrimp, a camel shrimp, a pecula clown, and a ton of blue legs... All dead..) ya got me kiddo. I could never figure it out.. If you find something out please let me know..


Everything is doing good and the coepodes are coming back but have found nothing but theorys to explain what my of happened it may become one the great mystery's of my reef keeping.Thanks for the feedback


they are the little critters you see running around on the glass inside your tank.....
Originally posted by DAYTRPER:
what are coepodes????????????


did you change the water the night before? You may have added enough phosphates into he water to cause the alagae to bloom. When this happens they start to multiply and really increase their metabolisms. They use more CO2 out of the water for photosynthesis. Now let's say this happened before the lights went out. Same thing but respiration occurred. The alga would have gone into O2 consumption putting out a lot of CO2. This could have killed the animals. Clownfish are pretty smart fish. They may have huddled near the surface, near a pump where there was the only source of O2. This would hold especially true for my clownfish sleeps near the top. And if this was the same thing your's did then it amy have survived. The tang probably just suffocated near the bottom. At the same time the coep's can't really do much about their situation so they just kicked the bucket.
Let me know how this sounds?