

Active Member
how many are too many?? i have thousands and thousands of these in my refugium and tank,, they covers allt he walls pretty heavily . is this good or bad? when i clean the inside of the front of my tank i knocjk all of them off and theirs soo many it looks liek a snowstorm??
also will they stick to a fish's slimecoat occasionally if they get knocked off then the fish swims by?
pro's , con's to them please??


Active Member
they're good for your tank, but since you say you have a ton of them your proably feeding your fish to much which has caused a population explosion, also they wont harm your fish. If you want to get rid of them try selling some, there are always people willing to buy them for a new tank


well pods eat uneaten food and are food to fish as well, I didn't feed my clownfish for a whole day, and I noticed him, munching up on the pods, I didn't want that cause i want a big population, so i threw in some shrimp for him, he's such clown,


please scoop me out a bottle full. Just take a soda bottle rinse it out well and place it in your tank and suck them up. Then ship priority.I have a mandarin that could use some. I'll give you $20 shipped for a bottle full.


Active Member
honestly i would love ot help people out, but trying to sihpon these little creatures out would just be a PAIN.. thus i might get a mandarin!


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Do some research guys, you can buy pods online from various suppliers.
I agree, there are places online that sell them a bit cheaper than $20 shipped.