Coexitsting aneomes?


Have had Sebae anenome in tank for two months in same place.
Now a week ago I put in a purple anenome. For the first three days it stayed in place, and has eaten twice.
But, for the last 3-4 days it has been wandering around the tank, up in the rocks, and down. And now it has settled in next to the Sebae.
Last night I moved it eight inches away, but it returned to the Sebae.
Will these two coexist next to one anothed or will they sting each other?
SHould I try to move the sebae?


note anenmoe crab that went from the purple one to the Sebae when the purple one migrated over there


I have seen anenomes co-exist before, but i've also heard of them eating eachother. But considering their sizes it may be ok. I don't know for sure but that's a pretty cool pic.


Active Member
Not sure, but it most likely it went back to there because of favorable conditions (water flow and such). I did have a condy take out one of my unknown anemones, at least thats what I think happened cause it just vanished, no trace, no spikes.


What is that darker anemone?? Maybe a BTA or another sebea?
By the way your white sebea is unhealthy. It should be colored darker like the other anemone.
The two could be fighting, which is why the darker one (the healtier anemone) keeps going over to the white sebae. It may be trying to finish it off.
What kind of light do you have?? Hopefully good MH so the white sebea will color up. One of the mods has a sebae with a pic of what they should look like. Try to find it, then ask him how it cared for it. He bought it white like yours, and got it to color up well.


I've read stark white is bad, but it seems that your sebae does have a yellow tint to it. I don't know that I would say its unhealthy from a photo that might make it look a bit white though. Anyhow I have a bta thats been w/ me for a couple years and few months ago bought a long tip anemone (not sure what that name refers to exactly) . The bta was about 6 inches in diameter. The day after my clown noticed the new anemone my bta moved all the way across the tank next to the anemone. The bta had never moved from the first day I got him. I wasn't sure what was happening, but the next day I learned that anemones will fight. The long tip had a more powerful sting and the bta had lost pieces of tentacles all over the tank. It was now no more than an inch in diameter, and had only 6 tentacles left. The very knowledgeable lfs lady told me that anemones of different species will possibly fight and also that if the base wasn't damaged there was a 99% chance the bta would grow back. Anyhow, I had to take the long tentacle back to the store. The bta is about half the size it was previously, but is doing very well and has a few dozen tentacles now. I would strongly recommend watching them very closely because this whole scuffle happened in about 8 hours or less. I sometimes wonder how the anemone knew there was a rival clear on the other side of the tank. Maybe the clown carries some sort of biological matter on him back and forth like a pollinating bee might do?


the sebae has always been that color, takes silverside very well, and has a creamy yellowish tint with purple tips.