coffee table fish tank....


someone in my town is selling this coffee table fish tank for $100 and i am starting to think about it... what do you guys think? I am just wondering about how to power it, getting pumps going, how to light it, all that fun stuff.
your thoughts? should i do it?


Active Member
If your making a saltwater tank out of it... be tough to hide the equipment --- in the middle of your room if you actually want to use it as a coffee table.. then it would be covered.... personally I'd pass as it would be more in the way... on the floor hard to look at... I dunno not my taste


Hmm....I always thought they were beautiful, but now that you mention it Jackri...where would you put equip? And what lighting?


Active Member
exactly... and tough to look at while sitting on the couch... unless you sit on the edge of it and look between your legs.
Not my style but just MO


Originally Posted by jackri
If your making a saltwater tank out of it... be tough to hide the equipment --- in the middle of your room if you actually want to use it as a coffee table.. then it would be covered.... personally I'd pass as it would be more in the way... on the floor hard to look at... I dunno not my taste


Active Member
it have to go in a play/recreation room or basement (if I had one). we move our coffee table way too much for that. as much as I'm in the tank it seems like a pain to service. looks difficult to light so reef would be out.

eric b 125

i think those things are cool and all, but i dont really think they're built for saltwater. keeping the water warm enough would cause so much condensation on the table top that you wouldnt be able to see down into it. i'd say pick it up, since they tend to be pretty expensive, and either sell it or put freshies in it. saltwater is by far more attractive, but there are some cool things you could do with it in the fresh water realm.


If I had the room I would get it for only freshwater fish. Dont know about the lighting unless you go with a waterproof lights and submerge it. Cool project to fiddle with. If you do get it let us know how it goes and how you made it work.


You know if I had the room for $100 I'd grab it too....Maybe the equip foes under that base..You could put fw fish in there.