Cold night dogs need help!


Active Member
I have two large dogs with thick coats of hair and was wondering if i took enough precautions for them?
1.Water with a heater.
2.Blanket in doghouse.
3.Blanket under table on the back porch.
4.Well fed and fat.
5.Kennel area protected from wind.
6.Wood dog house with 1 inch thick walls and floors.
Temp is around 15 at night and 26 or so in the day with a wind chill of like 12.


Active Member
I would bring them in. Are they use to being in the house? Do you have a basement. Thats pretty cold. If not you should pick up some straw for thier house.


Active Member
My dogs are not house dogs, They are big and smell like, well you know, dogs. I know people say ahh there cold they look sad, But they are creatures that live outside, so do we just feel sorry for them, or do they actually need to be inside in front of the fireplace?


Active Member
yeah man..if i kept you outside with a fur coat would you be happy? bring those dogs inside, at least keep em in the garage. wind chill 12 degrees that's not right man


Active Member
No worries we just fixed em up in the laundry room.
Man are the cats pissed.


Active Member
I know I'm going against the grain here, but deer, cows, and every other animal does it. If they are outside dogs, and you are not pinning them up "into" the direct cold, meaning they have a doghouse and protection from the wind, they will survive just fine. Would they rather be curled up next to Dad watching TV by the fire, of course, but you have taken some pretty good measures. My lab won't even go into her doghouse. I don't know if she is just that stupid, or really isn't cold, but it could snow 2 ft., and just call her name and she will pop her head right up, not even shivering.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I know I'm going against the grain here, but deer, cows, and every other animal does it. If they are outside dogs, and you are not pinning them up "into" the direct cold, meaning they have a doghouse and protection from the wind, they will survive just fine. Would they rather be curled up next to Dad watching TV by the fire, of course, but you have taken some pretty good measures. My lab won't even go into her doghouse. I don't know if she is just that stupid, or really isn't cold, but it could snow 2 ft., and just call her name and she will pop her head right up, not even shivering.
put a thermometer and a heater with a thermostat in the doghouse they should be fine


Active Member
Thanks for your responses, The dogs were nice and cozy in the laundry room all night, argh do they ever smell. I knew they would be fine but my wife was so worried about them and she was going on and on about them, it was driving me crazy. Looks like we will keep getting these arctic blast's from alaska and we will only get above freezing on day this week.
Sorry kitties.


Active Member
you can do both, too. My dogs are big and my house is small. During the day they go outside and when I do my barn animals at night, they come in.
I also have a wallaby (miniature kangaroo, kinda). He stays outside all winter long with a giant rabbit, but if it is going to be REALLY cold. They both come in at night too.
I say do BOTH!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zoie2
you can do both, too. My dogs are big and my house is small. During the day they go outside and when I do my barn animals at night, they come in.
I also have a wallaby (miniature kangaroo, kinda). He stays outside all winter long with a giant rabbit, but if it is going to be REALLY cold. They both come in at night too.
I say do BOTH!!

a wallaby?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Bathtime is summertime.
, baths should only be given when extremely dirty. Dog's immune systems rely heavily on the oils in their skins and bathing them regularly will wash away these oils, especially bathing in the winter is a bad idea as it's just asking them to get sick.
Just because we aren't winter weather tolerant, doesn't mean that they aren't. They prefer colder weather, but with that said, it would be wise to bring them in on those really cold nights.


Active Member
your dog will be fine outside... as long as it has a healthy coat and is an outside dog!!! my uncle used to breed white german sheppards and they stayed outside all year round...
get rid of those blankets because they will get wet and stay wet!!! use hay or straw... also make sure your dog house has a door or flap over the entry... and put the house where it will be shielded from the wind...