Cold Water Cycling


New Member
Hello, I am going to be setting up a 300 gallon cold water salt tank for the Marine Biology department at school and have a question. What do you think would be a good idea to get the tank water cycling with? Warm water we use damsels, clown, what do you use for cold water?

david s

you could use a dead shrimp from grocery store when amonia gets high take it out that will start cycle


I'm just curious, whats going into that tank? I've never seen a cold water saltwater tank before(aside from a leopard/horn shark tank). I'm thinking about setting up one with the fish I catch at the tidepools.


I was wondering the same thing.I'm using a 55gal tank I had to set up a local tank.The water temps around here are between 60 and 75 when the fish are around.Will the live sand thats comes in plastic bags at the lfs work at these temps to get it cycling?