Cold water tanks?


i had one with an octopus which worked out fine until he escaped also read you can have catalina gobies in cold tanks which are very nice looking fish
good luck


cold water is mainly for goldfish.....although i have a 2 gallin cold on my desk with some tetras and theyre doin fine. theyre kinda boring!!!!!!! but i mean u cant really have a heated 2 gallon and well i dont want to break my desk!
flame :D

big dave

Hey I think jim means sw coldwater aquariums. Which is neat for me and maybe you. Where I live in NJ you can catch your own coldwater sw fish in tidepools and in lagoons with seine nets. So far I have caugt some small coldwater wrasses, pipefish, seahorses, freckled blennies, and many "tropical drifters" which are carribean fish that travel with the gulf stream including:spotfin butterflys, 4 eye butterflys, green and planehead filefish, porky puffers, queen and french angels, queen triggers, and some others. What im sayin is that in coastal states it is easy to catch small coldwater sw fish. Remember, the first SW tanks at the turn of the 19th century were coldwater fish and inverts collected from tidepools in England. Hope this helps!


New Member
i dont understand wut u are talking about. how can u catch puffers, triggers, and etc. in new jersey. how do they get there, and how do they live in the foreign climate and temperature?
if that is correct, than thats pretty cool though.


I am a member of the Native Fish Conservancy and there are a lot of people who keep native fish in unheated tanks. Check out www.nativefish.orgfor more info most of it is about frsh water fish, but there are some salt water keepers as well. They also have a very good and active email group where you could post a similar question.


Jim, seeing as though you live in Cal, I would suggest that you go to a public aquarium (Birch in San Diego, Long Beach Aquarium, Monteray Bay, Marine World outside of SF, ect). They all have nice cold water tanks like the types you find off the coast of California. So go their check out some of the fish, and get some more ideas.


I actually went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the summer and thats the reason I got into this hobby. :)