Coldwater marine tank


Have any of you had a coldwater marine tank before? I have distant plans for a 150g coldwater tank, with basaltic rocks, kelp, and rockfish.
Also, have any of you been rockfishing? Can you catch rockfish in a net by remaining on a dock? I don't want to rent a boat or anything fancy.


Do a google search of "Steve Weast", a friend that lives a few blocks away that had a few.
Many places will allow you to collect animals, others require a permit, others - not allowed at all.


I'm shocked and appauled to know that I won't be needing any special lighting!!!! Well, I could probably set one up sometime during October, if not for the dang chiller. Are there any alternatives to paying more than I did for the setup to get a chiller? I do have this plastic container of liquid that you freeze overnight, and put in a cooler, maybe I could get a second one and rotate them every 12 hours.
The 150g won't happen for a few years, but for now, I plan on setting up a 10g to see how everything goes. A public aquarium I go to has these 5-20 gallon coldwater tanks, and they look alot better than the average nano reef.


Active Member
I was thinking about setting up a cold water nano last year. Steve Weast is a member here and his name is his user name... he knows everything about them, so you should PM him.
You would have to go diving to get the sand and rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tigerbarb
I'm shocked and appauled to know that I won't be needing any special lighting!!!! Well, I could probably set one up sometime during October, if not for the dang chiller. Are there any alternatives to paying more than I did for the setup to get a chiller? I do have this plastic container of liquid that you freeze overnight, and put in a cooler, maybe I could get a second one and rotate them every 12 hours.
The 150g won't happen for a few years, but for now, I plan on setting up a 10g to see how everything goes. A public aquarium I go to has these 5-20 gallon coldwater tanks, and they look alot better than the average nano reef.
The alternative to a chiller is moving to Alaska :) Seriously, Ive heard of the freezing method but it requires the 12 hour changes = no vacations, unless someone else who watches it knows what they are doing.
They dont need intense lighting, but need a chiller. Its a tradeoff


Active Member
Freezer packs aren't going to be very effective. You'd need some serious ice. Second, has anyone seen o lately? It has been a lot time since I've seen her on there boards.


Lol, I googled chillers on craigslist, and found no results. How long do chillers last? I don't want to get one if I have to replace it in a year.
But yeah, I guess it is a trade off.
EDIT: Oh, lol. The only affordable chiller's water pump and tubing are sold sepperately. So... a big expensive chiller is the only piece of equipment available that will keep water at 50 degrees? How does a chiller work, anyway? I know it's refrigerant and all.