Collecting Sharks

I have a great local store here in orlando They usually have the eppulate(spelling?) shark they also have,nurse,leopard, smoothhound, wobagone, marble cat shark,bannded,and more The store is called The Aquarium


The laws here on Long Island don't make much more sense...the sandsharks (called dogfish by the fisherman) are so abundant that the boats usually move to get away from them.'re only allowed to keep one a day per boat. You figure it out. They are usually caught between 1.5 and 3 feet, and are great fish, they have that true "shark" look about them.


Active Member
I'm sure it is highly illegal to collect marine fish/sharks for the aquarium without a proper liscence. Contact your local Fish and Game office, they can give you a lot of info. If you acquire a permit for it, go for it. If not, don't collect wild sharks. As for catching sharks, I've caught plenty in my day. Mostly blacktips, but bulls, sand, lemon, and dusky. They can be a major nuisance at times. Bo
Do you keep your receipts when you buy fish? How would anyone know if you caught it or bought it? My son has a local only tank here in NC and it is a very interesting tank. We too cath sharks in abundance off the pier. If it were me I would go for it! Wild caught is wild caught.


im going to the beach this weekend to catch sharks i could care less about the laws there is no diffrence in me catching it or someone else catching it as long as im not selling them or catching to many theres no problem but you should have a tank large enough to keep them if people can catch sharks to eat than they should be able to put them in a tank its more humain in my openion.
if you want a shark i will give you one you just have to come get it FREE!!!
ill take orders just put it on a post.
im also collecting rays and puffers if you want those.
do sandsharks have teeth or are they like cat sharks?
PS i have a permit so i can legally do it


HEAVENLY DAMSEL Whare in NC and your right all fish are caught even in your local fish stores not many saltwater fish have been bread i would rather have tank bread than wild caught but i dont have a choice


my LFS gets shark eggs all the time.. then they hatch.. and they sell the baby..


I don't know anything about "crazy California" laws but unless something has changed here in Arizona it is illegal to own one in an aquarium. Get this, the reason why, they don't want them being released into any of the rivers or lakes!!

Its not like an alligator, I mean a shark has 0% percent chance of living in any river or lake here.
And before anyone pipes up, yes I know some bull sharks can survive in fresh water. I've heard stories of people catching them as far inland as St. Louis.

shark bait

With all the shark talk, have you thought about how cold the water is in CA 55-67 and what size chiller would be needed to keep such a large tank, 500+ for that type of shark. just bringing up a concern sooner than later. I have seen a CA tank set up with sheephead, garabaldi, groupers ect, but it is not as lively as a good FOWLR, REEF or shark tank. also think about the tank mates that could go in to a cold water tank. I think you might be able to Slowly bring up the temp to 75 ish or so but i would read up on the type of shark, find where else in the world it lives and at what temps. this would give you an idea if you could keep this shark in a tropical tank. Just my 2 cents.


Originally Posted by sebae09
im going to the beach this weekend to catch sharks i could care less about the laws there is no diffrence in me catching it or someone else catching it as long as im not selling them or catching to many theres no problem but you should have a tank large enough to keep them if people can catch sharks to eat than they should be able to put them in a tank its more humain in my openion.
if you want a shark i will give you one you just have to come get it FREE!!!
ill take orders just put it on a post.
im also collecting rays and puffers if you want those.
do sandsharks have teeth or are they like cat sharks?
PS i have a permit so i can legally do it

Shoot me your e-mail. meadowsmike - hotmail . com