Collecting Specmins form the beach



I am planning in going to SC this summer. I saw lots of shrimp and other critters last year. I was wondering if it would be ok to bring these home ?


I live in Panama City, Fl. My son and I go snorkeling all the time, and he is always catching beautiful fish (in a bucket so he can look and then set them free). I always wish I could bring them home. From what I understand, not only is it against the law, but these critters could potentially have some sort of parasite, or disease that you do not want in your tank. Definately not worth the risk in my opinion. Also, the sand and lr, have sludge, oil, and just really dirty things in them. It could really upset your tank. Live rock and sand is harvested in pretty deep water well off the coast. So it's another no-no. That really suxx, don't it?;)


The hermit crabs I have in my tank came from the gulf. I have maybe 15 in my tank.
We have thousands of them here in all sizes and shells. I went down to local hobby store and bought a basket of shell for like $1.50 and picked out the hermit shells and put them in the tank. Took about 2 minutes before they started moving in.
I also have 2 fish in there I saved from being used as bait. It was either the hook or my tank.
One is about 2 inches and is silver and yellow, looks kinds like a baby Jackfish.
The other is what we have always called an Angelfish. Below is a pic of it. We use it to catch 4 to 7 foot sharks or big Bullreds.
I believe what the Game Warden frounds upon is keeping any type of game fish in an aquarium.
I have numerous friends with sw and fw tanks that have had lots of fish and critters in them that has been caught locally.
I am going shrimping with a friend on his boat soon just to see what I can get from the nets.
Down in Galveston I have seen things along the rock groins ranging from Lion Fish to Anemons believe it or not. You have to catch the water when it is clear which is rare here.
My fw water tank used to have a Big Mouth Bass in it that I caught in a drainage ditch with my cast net. He was an eating machine. He was about 10 inches long.
The only prob I see with you keeping critters is what ntvflgirl said, you could introduce parasites into your tank. Chances are you wont, but remember there is a possiblity.
As someone here has on there signature...."Your tank, Your choice."


Hey, nice to see that other firemen are on this board! I was in Phila local 22 now I'm in Richmond, new to the area about to join the local here, been with the Dept here 4 years..Keep up the good work and never forget...
Bill Engstrom


I love this job, wouldn't trade it for anything else. I'm about to go in to work now, 7am to 7am, 24hr shifts here.
Stay safe


Thanks for the info! I ran into a friend today at the local lfs and that is what he called it also.
We use them as bait to catch sharks sometimes.
I caught that one in my cast net. He is fun to watch as he plays in the powerhead currents.
My friend said they can be aggressive sometimes, so I will watch him when I start to add more fish. If he acts to aggressive, then back to the polluted Gulf of Mexico waters he goes...hehe.