College Football 2004


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
Yep, second half 45 -10 and I have to say at this point.............
we're not worthy

Stoops has gone to the national championship game 3 times in 6 years and won in the Sooner nation we know there's always next year.
Just gotta live through the guys being mad and the girls being sad

losing white and the offensive line might make next year acouple years away.
I figured this would be close one way or the other. This is a real shock, a pleasure to be sure, but a shock.


Active Member

Originally posted by goinballde
omg this is the worse shellacking i have seen I love watching oklahomo get spanked it doesnt hardly ever happen

The really bad thing is we didn't get spanked. You may enjoy seeing us fall apart like last night but, it wasn't that USC beat us, it's that we beat ourselves. This is the same thing that happened last year. The Sooners were unrecognizable as a team. It's the worst way to lose. Mistakes, turnovers and a general inablility to execute. USC was excellent but, USC is not why we played so badly. They will be happy in SoCal this morning, records were broken and stars were born. The sports pundits will earn their paychecks today.


Active Member
OU screws up again second year in a row. Look at their season and look at last nights game you will see that OU was not themselves at all. OU couldn't do anything right except that first drive of theirs.


Active Member
OU made two stupid, unforced mistakes in the first half. Other than that you got to give SC credit for putting a lot of pressure on them and forcing mistakes. I honestly thought it would be SC stumbling out of the gates and playing catch up the rest of the game once their young players got their heads on straight. Carrol is a much better coach than I gave him credit for and Stoops is obviously not nearly as good as he gets credit for. No excuse for OU not to have played better with the seasoned talent they have.
SC is going to be scarry good next year if Leinart comes back.


New Member
The reason the sooners looked so bad is because they only had one decent team to play to show what they were made of. The big 12 conference has to be one the worst conferences in college football especially the north. Texas and Oklahoma are the only decent teams in that whole entire conference.
Go Iowa Hawkeyes


Active Member
I dont' understand why there weren't more penalties on USC. They had 22 men on the field practically the whole game:rolleyes:


lol, yeah it probably seemed that way :D
Well, it looks like I was right...too bad I didnt put any money on that game :thinking:


ps. Im officially changing my avatar back to how it was...good bye Tommy Trojan....yup im a typical LA fan :rolleyes:


Active Member
Good thing, how would we know who you are without all the Lebowski references. I guess I'll change mine back too, now football season is over.


Utah undefeated season woot woot. Should have had a better team to dominate in the Fiesta Bowl.