ive come to the recent conclusion that college is important but a huge waste of my time and money. Let me explain. I go to school for Landscape Architecture so obviously i take landscape architecture classes which involve alot of sleepless nights working on drawings in the studio. but thats fine its what i want to do. what i don't want is all the other classes i havce to take besides the landscape arch. classes that have nothing to do with my major. An example would be History, Geography, Psych., so forth and so on. The reason being after being up all night working on a project for my major, and this whole week for that matter I then wrote an 8 page paper in two hours this morning for my Geography class. Don't get me wrong though I like Geography and history and everything else but i came to school to specialize in a field i want to later get a job in. so naturally i would think those would be the classes i would take not classes that have no direct relation to my major and all they do is end up causing me problems because its hard to do the work when i have work in my more important classes (the ones im majoring in) due the same time.
Maybe i'm just making a big deal out of nothing because i'm tired but i still don't like paying thousands of dollars to take classes that have nothing to do with my profession
Sorry but i needed to vent
Maybe i'm just making a big deal out of nothing because i'm tired but i still don't like paying thousands of dollars to take classes that have nothing to do with my profession
Sorry but i needed to vent