color blind hobbyists?


hey everyone... i have a little colorblindness problem... can't tell green algae from brown from red, etc, etc, and so on. anyone else like me?


it's brutal. i make my best friend look at em for me! he's not a hobbyist, so he's like "this is too complicated... but i want a tank!". ha ha.


PissyFish, I know just what you mean! I have been slowly going blind from RP, It has been effecting both the cones and rods of my eyes so the 1 eye I can still see out of my colors are messed up. About 5years ago my hubby made me sell my 55g reef set up
he was woried I would get hurt due to some corals stinging me. I did just turn my 12g FOWLR into a small reef and he lets me know if anything needs to be cleaned. He has no clue to the hobby but knows how much I have missed my 55g. So I have a few shrooms and softies now, what harm can come to me w/ that, as I said...I can still see somewhay out of one eye and as long as I can I will keep doing what I love.


I am color deficient and I understand your pain and It is extremely hard to deal with sometimes because you feel like a butt. Like when you are going to buy a coral at the LFS, you point to the coral that you want to purchase or say the color of the one you want and she/he corrects you or says the color. Then you mentioned test kits and how they change color. Every now and then I will try to read it by myself. Then after testing it 2 or 3 times and getting different results I give up and I have to get the wife to help me. Now I had to get my drivers license renewed in August. It took me a few times to get the color test right. The neon green and neon yellow messed me big time. There is a difference between color blind and color deficient.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I just conducted a quick search and American marine or Hanna make digital testers but they are expensive


I'm pretty sure that in about another month, I'm going to be able to identify green hair algae by how it feels when it is pulled.


thanks for all the nice replies! good to know i'm not the only odd one out. it's a beautiful hobby and i appreciate your comments and advice. and tinydove... i'm sorry to hear about your rp. that must be very difficult. thank you so much for sharing your story. :)


I have problems with many shades of colors.
I have tried salifert and api and always had hard time. I just switched to ELOS and they are VERY easy to read.


I have the same issue im red green color blind. I always have to invite some one over when im doing the tests or looking at anything in the tank.


Hey - great to know someone out there is like me! It's rare for a female to be color blind, but oh well! I am setting up my 55 gallon tank this coming weekend, i just bought it yesterday. I never thought about the colors on the test strips! I guess im going to have to enlist someone to help me! Yikes


I was wondering about this with test kits. I have a really hard time figuring out what the actual readings are on my API test kits. I am not color blind (not that I know of) but even I have a hard time distinguishing tiny differences in the shade of a color. I could only imagine how hard it is on someone who is color blind. That being said is there a test kit out there that is a little easier on the eyes?