Color fade


Can a tang's color fade, it appears that mine is. He is young and I have only had him for a little over two weeks. He eats like a horse and I his diet includes flake, frozen brine, frozen mysis, freeze dried krill and life line (green). All levels are good and the other fish haven't bothered him at all and I also realize he will need a bigger tank as he grows.


I agree in that tangs need a high quality vegetable diet. i used to feed mine frozen spinach and their colors never used to fade. With all the new frozen mixtures you probably cannot go wrong. I have seen tangs fade in the past but only after being in the same tank for years. Your tang has only been in for a few weeks. I would increase the algae/ veg. matter in the diet.


I guess I'll have to echo everyone else and say that you need to make sure to feed him mainly vegetable type of food such a seaweed and romaine lettuce. This fish is a herbivore in the wild and needs plenty of green "stuff".
See ya :)