Colorful SPS????


Active Member
staghorns. without proper lighting and water parameters, no corals will grow fast if at all.


Originally Posted by nycbob
staghorns. without proper lighting and water parameters, no corals will grow fast if at all.
Well my lighting is is a 4 month old new outer orbit system and my water parameters are checked every week and are perfect. All my corals grow I just want a bigger piece that is more of a showpiece in the tank.

nano reefer

Active Member
millepora (i think i'm missing an "o") grow very quick, and a monti caps tend to grow nice. make sure youir calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity are all up to speed as well.


Monti caps are nice. There are a bunch of different colors of milli as well. What colors/shape are you looking for. There are also some very colorful encrusting montis (superman, sunset, rainbow, ect.) although I believe they tend to be a little slower growing than caps or digitata. Lots of good options.


Active Member
as u can see, u will receive many opinions regarding growth of sps. they all grow relatively fast imo. go with whatever u like best.