Colors of Live Rock!



If I can get a good deal on live rock without much color (or sometimes none at all) like budda branch, will it gain color as good as Fiji Rock? The person that I have been talking too says that all live rock gains color at the same rate, and that his rock will take just a little longer than the good stuff. If so, I can get a great deal on all my rock.


All LR will eventually grow corraline on them....just might take some time. In my experience, my LR that I bought had little to no corraline on it. 2 months later, its starting to pop up all over the rocks. I dont know if one rock grows it faster than others, but if you can get a good deal on the rock...go for it.
You can even use plain old base rock that they might have sitting on a shelf at your LFS. That will eventually grow corraline on it too, just might take a bit longer cause it doesnt have any live bacteria. They also sell stimulators to help speed the process up...I have heard good things about agramilk(think I am way off on spelling...but you get the idea)


Does most additives explain how much to use in the tank?
And thanks for the information on the rock!:)


I'm with stapler on this one, time is what makes the difference. I hand picked all of the rock in our tank, some had a little purple, some a little red, etc., but just because it was there didnt make it grow any faster. We have not used any additives except Reef Complete by SeaChem and can honestly say we didnt use much since the salt mixes have been replenishing Ca and other trace elements. I took the advice of some people and used a tooth brush to get the coralline spores moving around the tank. I guess it worked, we have plenty of coralline on our back glass and much more had spread on the rocks. Only did it for say 2 weeks, about 6-8 months ago. Heres a pic of a rock that didnt look like this when we got it...say 6 mos old now.


On friday, a buddy of mine purchased about 100 lbs of buda branch live rock. The rock (since it didn't have any color) was only $2.50 a pound. I understand that the coraline will grow on the rock, but does it help to have some coraline already in the tank? If he bought like 40 lbs of fiji, or something that had color, would it help start the color process? Or is coraline something present in SW tanks naturally?


I can heartily recommend GARF grunge...loaded with coraline starts. just sprinkle it over your rock and it will grow with enough light and the rpoper water chemistry. ABout as low tech as it gets and it supports Leroy and Company, a worthy cause


Have you had much luck with the Kalkwasser products? When I get my large amount of live rock, I won't have any fish in my tank. Usually Ca should be between 400 and 450 ppm, but is it safe to run at a higher level? (especially since I won't have any fish) What should the maxiumum be? 1000 ppm?


450 is more than enough, if you get much higher that 550 and have a temp or Ph drop the Ca will precipitate and you will have a snow storm the likes of which you have never seen. My Ca consistently runs around 400-450 and no one is starving for building materials.


Active Member

Originally posted by doodle1800
Razor - I must say you have some nice pics of your tank. Have any full tank shots?

I have a couple full shots.. but they dont seem to get the right "effect" as the close ups... Im sure once i get my MH lights in the picture that will change!
Here ya go