Colourful Long Tentacle Anemone Shrivelling and Limp?


New Member
I have a ~20 gal tank with the following specs
sg: 1.025
NH3: 0.00ppm
NO3: 0.00ppm
N02: 0.00ppm
dKH: 225ppm
pH: 8.2
2-4in soft sand everywhere, I piled ~4.5 where the anemone was placed.

It's been established for about 7 months now. Premixed saltwater with healthy live rock and specs so I put coral and a clown in around 2 months, perfectly healthy and happy. Added new and improved lighting (50/50 65 watt dual) 4 days ago, previous lighting was from a window with direct sun at all hours of the day (I moved the tank across the room).

My clown had housed in a palm tree coral but my father decided to surprise me with a long tentacle anemone 3 days ago (the local LFS is very trustworthy, I get all of my animals from them, and they advised him on this for a clown). Since then I have done as much research as possible but still am not any sort of expert on LTAs.

I know the tank is small, but it is very stable. The LTA is a beautiful purple but recently shrivelled and went limp. Its mouth is a light pink and seemed to turn inside-out for a bit, but is now retracted again. Colour is still bright and lively but the tentacles are empty and aren't moving much. I think he might be expelling waste but am not sure because its been 4+ hours now. I fed him a small amount of krill yesterday but read that I shouldn't give the nem much its first week settling. Attached are pictures, one form yesterday and one from today. I do have a fan on the tank in the second because the temp started to hover above 26*C.

Any advice would be great, I'd really love for him to flourish!