Colt coral dieing??


I have a medium size redish color colt coral.
My nitrates are at 20 all other parameters being fine. Nitrates are in the process of comming down.
My colt coral (only the red one) has a branch (for lack of a better word) that has some blisters on it and the whole arms buds are closed up. Ther rest of the coral is either fully open or partly in another place along the back side of the tank. This is a new development as 2 days ago it was fine.
What could be wrong with it other than maybe the nitrates. I dont really think it would be the trates because they arent in dangerous levels and it is only one small section of the coral.
I posted in reef section but got no good answers. It is not the normal shriveling up like it does at night. It is discolored and has a couple clear blisters.
Any ideas??


Staff member
Well, I mentioned the trates in the other forum, and I would not discount that as being the cause.
Are there predators near the coral, or anything at all toaching it?


Active Member
I know nothing about corals. I'm planning on getting a larger tank and start with corals in the near future. Hopefully you can save it, good luck!!!