colt coral frag problem


recently bought two colts from my lfs my problem is that the frags they are on are very awkward shaped and the wont lock into any where on my rocks any ideas? i already thought about ruberbands but no where to go around and dont want to see them in my tank
any ideas will help


Active Member
Originally Posted by bozfamily
recently bought two colts from my lfs my problem is that the frags they are on are very awkward shaped and the wont lock into any where on my rocks any ideas? i already thought about ruberbands but no where to go around and dont want to see them in my tank
any ideas will help
rubber bands aren't so bad...... look at the top right corner of my tank..... there is my rubber band!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by bozfamily
Hey wat about plastic zip ties i can hide those a little better
I dont know about the metal in the inside.... and the paper on the out.......... That is past my knoledge!!


the ones that i have are all plastic you feed one end into the other and pull it tight. but i think i got it ill find out in about and hour when my mexican snail goes around them again hes like a mini bulldozer to everything but does such a good job at cleaning i cant even imagine getting rid of him


Active Member
Originally Posted by bozfamily
the ones that i have are all plastic you feed one end into the other and pull it tight. but i think i got it ill find out in about and hour when my mexican snail goes around them again hes like a mini bulldozer to everything but does such a good job at cleaning i cant even imagine getting rid of him
I forgot about the plastic ones, yeah that should work!!! Just dont make it to tight!!!

my hermits are horrible... they knock every thing around, and beat up my tank!!!!


jerth is your rock all one piece? if not how did you get it so tight together mine still has empty spaces that looks awsome


Active Member
Originally Posted by bozfamily
jerth is your rock all one piece? if not how did you get it so tight together mine still has empty spaces that looks awsome
I can see how things fit together.... kind of a nack that I have..... But when I upgrade I will make alot of caves, and holes..... I like that aquascaping better.... but look at your pieces long enough and you will be able to "fit" them together!