Colt Coral Info pleeeeze.


Active Member
Hey yall. I am about to go to the LFS and pick up a colt coral I think. I will obviously do some research before buying, I just wanted to get some preliminary advice here.
So, colt coral:
What kind of water flow does it like?
What kind of lighting does it like?
Fast grower?
Anything else?
Thanks much yall. :cool:

yosemite sam

Active Member
I love mine but it grows really fast. I think it has about doubled in size since october/november. I had to frag it in two. Mine enjoys a decent current, enough to blow it around a bit, but not blow it over. Both halves are at the bottom of the tank and are doing fine. They do seem to sting/bother other corals that they brush up against, so I give mine lots of room.
Here's one half


Good coral..
Grows very fast and needs alot of space since it stings other corals. It likes moderate current. I had one but had to give away because it needed so much space and grew so fast. They are easy to frag.


Active Member
I've had mine for a few months now. As everyone else stated they do grow extremly fast. One of my freinds that has one that just grows out of control. He has to frag his at least ounce a month. I still havn't decided if I'm going to keep mine, as I don't like the fact that they can grow very fast, and need to be kept in check. Should've researched a little more before getting it.


Active Member
Nice, thanks. This might be ideal, I want something to put on the bottom that will grow really tall, fast. Cool. Thanks yall!!! :cool:

salty rick

Colt Coral was a "Coral of the Week". Do a search for the thread. It has tons of good information.
I question whether it stings. I have touched mine several times and it has not hurt me.

salty rick

My mistake. Colt Coral was not a Coral of the Week. I was thinking on the thread on Frogspawn.
I still would want to know for sure if they sting.


Salty: How is the frogspawn and colt doing under you NO lighting ? I have a low lighting tank also and am interested in low light corals. I was thinking about a frogspawn, colt, shrooms, polyps etc. Low light stuff.


my colt is touching my hairy mushrooms and a georgian in the picture and none are effected by them touching. on the othe hand I had to move my finger leather and my green and Pink star polyps to the other side of the tank for them to open up. I dont know if the sting or not but I think they realease a toxin of sorts as protection some things are affected and others arent,
as far as fragging (I havent done this yet going to this weekend is to take a new sharp razor blade cut the appendages and stick a toothpick through it and use a rubber band to go around the rock to hold it untill it attaches itself. there is also a way to sew them onto another rock. you dont want to do this in a tank though you want to put it in a bowl or bucket of tank water and after fragging let it sit in the bucket for about 30 minutes till it gets done slimming and releasing its toxins. if it is in a larger tank you can do it in the tank but it will make the other corals in the tank really pe-od for a while.

yosemite sam

Active Member
Fragging a colt is really easy. There have been several posts with some graphics. If you do a search, I'm sure you'll find them.
As for stinging, when I fragged mine in two, I put one of the halves near my cup coral and it would brush up against it in the current. As soon as I did this, the cup closed up and started emitting some yellow goo. I moved the colt, the cup opened up and stopped gooing and has been fine since. I have also seen them in a LFS annoying some cother corals they were near.


I have had a colt for about a year and a half. The LFS guy told me to use Iodine and it will flourish. Has it ever. I have had to frag it about 6 times. At one point it covered about one third of my tank.
If not tended to, they get out of control.

salty rick

I have had my Frogspawn for about a week. It is doing fine. It opens up completely and looks happy.
I have the Colt Coral about six months. It has been easy to care for and it has grown.
I have two 40 Watt Coralife 50/50, a 40 Watt Coralife 10,000K and one 30 Watt Corallife Atinic. If you go to my website link you can see pictures of my tank and corals. The Colt was half the size as it is in the pictures.

salty rick

I keep eyeing the Bubble Coral but I haven't researched it enough to know if it will work in my tank. I learned the hard way that Gonaporia, Seabae Animonies and Galaxia(I think that was what it was called) do not survive with my lighting. That was during my early days of reefing.
I have also been looking at the Chili Coral. From what I have read they like very low light.


Mine has tripled in size also sense Oct. I only feed it DT's 2 times a week. It has been stinging my baby Kenya tree corals which dropped off the mother Kenya several months ago. I had to move the Colt away from them. Mine is on the bottom in med water flow. I have 4 160 watt VHO's.