colt coral shrinking?


New Member
hi... i have this colt coral for 1 month now and it's been great but this past couple days they shrink and become smaller and smaller.. i don't know what happened because the other coral that i have are fine. now i quarantine the colt coral to a net in the tank.. i dont know what should i do next. or what is the cause? thank you


My colt dose this all the time same with my devils hand leather they seem to shrink for about a week then open up bigger then they were before... I think it has some thing to do with them growing...
It's perfectly normal...
O ya take it out of the net it's only going to stress it...


How long has your tank been running? I had a pink (injected color) colt and it did the same thing. My tank was about 2 months old and mine kept shrinking until it was gone. Mine never showed any bad signs except shrinking, but I now don't think my water quality was right because the tank was so new.


New Member
Originally Posted by FaTcAt
My colt dose this all the time same with my devils hand leather they seem to shrink for about a week then open up bigger then they were before... I think it has some thing to do with them growing...
It's perfectly normal...
O ya take it out of the net it's only going to stress it...
really, because now i seen white line i`m just worry that flat worm might eat it... what do you think i should do?


New Member
Originally Posted by schnutzzy
How long has your tank been running? I had a pink (injected color) colt and it did the same thing. My tank was about 2 months old and mine kept shrinking until it was gone. Mine never showed any bad signs except shrinking, but I now don't think my water quality was right because the tank was so new.

i mean the tank been running for years but i just move for 3-4 months. so i don't know but my other corals are fine.. yup this one was shrinking and now i see like white wrinkle on it.. i never have colt coral so i don't know what happened to it...


The colt coral get a waxy coating once every few weeks, they shrink real small, and then the flow blows the coating off in a few days and it is back to normal.....Mine does this about 3 times every two months.
should be nothing to worry about.


New Member
so the white wrinkle it`s not a problem? i took your advice by put it back on the rock, hope it would be ok soon.. thank you

my time

New Member
What was the outcome of your colt? Did it survive? I have a colt that is about 2 years old,after 1 year it was about 14 inches tall and now for the past year its been getting smaller.aprox. 6 inches tall now.