Colt Corals.


Active Member
i just got my new 4" colt. i placed him at the top of the tank in medium flow. hes bending over and touched the rock hes on. is this normal?


Active Member
If you just got it and put it in the tank that is normal...
They are a little "shy" and anytime you "touch" or move them they'll shrink back and get limp like that...
Nice thing about them though is if your water conditions are good they will "snap" back just as quick...
Just give him some time...


Active Member
i thought it was the water flow. so i can put him in a medium flow and in a day or so he will be upright?


Active Member
I guess it depends on what you mean as medium..
If it's too fast or too direct it will push him around and bounce his "branches" around with the same effect as "touching" him...
A gentle or "indirect" flow would be better...Mine did better with "some" flow and too much and he'd shrink back...
He's not "flapping" in the breeze is he...?


Active Member
no. my xenia used to be in the same spot and they would move slowly.. i can put him in a low flow aread where the botton polyp tentacles barely move


I agree. My colt likes low to moderate flow...gentle breeze. hes in the top part of the tank, and seems to enjoy it.


agreed, low to med. flow. i moved mine to a faster flow area, and he didn't like it at all. i put him back and he is growing like a weed.