Colt Issues??? Help!


Active Member
I bought a colt coral a week and half ago. It was attached to very small rock so I attached that rock to a large rock in my display with some crazy glue. Ever since I got it is has never really stood up or opened up fully. So I figured maybe that the location was not good. I detached it from the large rock and took a good look at it. It seems to be tearing partially from the small rock, lots of slimy stuff. I reattched it to a small rock and positioned it in a low current area. Will it make it and what exactly does the tearing mean?
dont worry about the colt coral. When I first got mine I fragged it and it was very gory. Afterwards the colts were lifeless for a week and I thought I had killed them. @ months later after putting them through hell I have come to the conclusion that is impossible to kill them. Just give it time and dont stress.


Active Member
This thing is really getting bad. Slime forming all over. Completely falling off it's rock. Should I take it out? Or maybe secure it to the rock with a rubberband or the toothpick method? I'd really hate to lose it, so if there anything I can do, please advise>


Active Member
It's not impossible to kill them b/c I fragged mine and after it was full grown it suddenly died but all the other three frags were just fine. So I have no clue what happend but I agree very hard to kill these suckers.
I have a cople sets of polyps, a favia brain some sat polyps and three different pieces of colts. One I finaly got to attach to a rock but the others have been floating around the tank for a while. Mine looked like they were dead for a good two weeks before they came to life. So dont give up on it. Yeah I agree they are not impossible to kill but its pretty tough.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Do you have other corals in your tank that are doing ok?

I have several different corals in the tank and they look great. However, maybe something nearby is irritating it; my torch is about 6" away. What do you think?