Colt looking bad


I got a colt coral 3 weeks ago, it looked good for the first week and a half, but then it started to get white and chunks of it were coming off. Now half of it is detached from the bottom and it looks like crap.
Salinity - 1.026
Ph - 8.3
dkH - 9.0
Calcium - 480
Nitrates - 0
Nitites - 0
Ammonia - 0


Active Member
I give mine medium flow, nothing pointing directly at them. The polyps stay open and it looks healthy.


Make sure that it gets a nice flow of water throught it.. Just enought to it appears to sway back and forth. Make sure your lights are not burning it or that you dont have enought lighting.
here is a pic of mine has been doing great. I am thinking about fraggin it alittle. It has really been branching.


Active Member
well i keep mine up high in my tank, I have alot of light on my lilttle tank.IS you colt touching anything like glass? When mine touchs glass its polyps close up and turns white. That might be a reason. If you frag it make sure you take your time and make sure you dont cut it to small. Half the time they dont like to attach to rocks. What i do with mine so you dont have to use the tooth pick method is cut it where there are 2 branchs almost like a V and then rubber band it.


my colt did what your saying when the clowns were tring to host it. the colt was pissed and even droped a limb. another colt i had died just like you say. i had minimal traces of copper from using tap water. your not using tap water r you?


Sorry took so long to respond, been busy with work, started a new area. I'm using RO/DI water. I had the colt pretty high in the water column so I think that might have been it. I have him in the corner of the tank right now at the bottom. Hopefully he will attach again, going to leave him there for a week and see if he starts to look any better. I'm running with 6 PC bulbs right now, so do you think that might have been an issue as far as burning it?