Combining live sand with playsand


I am adding a 2 inch sand bed to my 100 g FOWLR tank. After reading several threads, I am planning to purchase 100 lbs of Southhampton play sand. My question is rather then curing it, can I combine it with live sand to stimulate the process. If so, how much live sand should I combine with the playsand to form the proper depth of sand bed, and how should I mix the live sand with play sand (play sand first then live sand on top?)?
play sand first, live sand on top. As for the amount of sand, I need to know the depth you're looking for and the dimensions of your tank. If you go to garf <dot> org, they have calculators that will help you with the amount of sand you need.


by adding LS to the playsand, u will be curing the LS as well as seeding the PS. Its a very good costcutting measure as the bacteria will work its way thru all the sand eventually.
The amount depends on ur tank (shape, etc). About a pound a gallon is a good starting point, but depending on how deep the DSB, u may need more.
PERSONALLY, I would put down the PS then put the LS on top of it. That will help with the sandstorm because the LS will already be weighted by the bacteria. Remember that sandstorms are beneficial too because they expose more of the sand to bacteria for coating.


Since the live sand will act as the curing agent, can I immediately place the play sand into my tank after rinsing it along with the live sand or do I need to cure the play sand with the live sand in a rubber maid?


the play sand can go right in. dont wash the LS.
if theres nothing in ur tank but LR, u can cure it right in the tank.


I have 80 lbs of LR in the tank along with 2 clowns, a hippo tang, and naso tang. Can I still immediately add the play sand with the live sand on top right away?