come onnn gogrgonian thread take 4


Active Member
OK everyone, this is getting downright silly. This isnt even my thread. I do have enough to send for everyone, And I will be happy to do so. But I need to focus on the thermos trades and the people that have them already promised before I get into sending more out.


I have a yellow thats growing at a noticable rate. I just got my first blueberry. Any good insight to keeping them flourishing? I figure since you are fragging yours, you may have some good knowledge for sharing as I am sure we are all interested. I have an LPS tank primarily (a few stars, zoos, cloves and shrooms) tank params are great. LR in filter compartments as well as filter sponge, running carbon and regularly turkey baste the det. off rocks. Feeding regularly with zooplex, phytoplex, chromaplex, microvert as well as different food juice (pulverized frozen). tank has stock 72 w pc 50/50 10000k on a 24 g JBJ nano. regular water changes. Any specifics? I have had it for 4 days, and it extends out full most of the night, and yesterday an today for a couple hours in the day. Yellow is almost always open.


try putting it in high water flow...
mine would barely come out.. then i put it right where the powerhead flow is at.... its hardly goes back in...


Active Member
ReefForBrains.....Well I don't have much to trade...but I do have an orange spiny sea rod gorg that is about 12 - 14 inches tall...hairy beast...i just cut a 7 inch peice for a friend who gave me tons of frags, but I may be willing to cut another peice to the trading thing, and am starting to fill my tank up with corals, so I really don't have much of anything else to trade. so like every one else....that blueberry would love my house...LOL....okay okay, maybe I WOULD LOVE the blueberry in my house...LOL...not as pretty as yours of course, but if you have the need for some of this, would be willing to part with some.
Here are some pictures of it:

Peice i just cut off for my boy:


Are you saying DIRECTLY in front of the powerhead? The yellow is almost directly in a deflection of the flow off the glass about four inches away from the spout. The other is about six inches away from the main tank inlet spout, with half of it pretty much right in its path. I can change this a bit more, but I am just curious of the specifications. One powerhead is 106 gph and the other is 270 gph relative to the order in which I mentioned above. Thanks so much for the tip, and I thank you for the patience to answer me in specific.