Comment on my Water Test Results


I still consider myself a SW Newbie having just setup my tank in January... I had been lax on my water testing over the past few weeks and had time today (not working today, thanks to all American Service men and women, past and present
) and decided to run all the Salifert tests that I have...
Here are my particulars;

46 Gal Bowfront
~80lbs Live Rock
~50lbs Live Sand
36" 2x96W Coralife LUNAR Aqualight Deluxe - 1x Actinic and 1x 10,000K, 2x 3/4W Blue LEDs
AquaC Remora Pro Skimmer
(2) MaxiJet 1200 Powerheads

(5) Blue/Green Chromis
(2) Ocellaris Clowns
(1) Royal Gramma
(3)? Peppermint Shrimp (have only ever seen 2 at once since adding a couple months ago)
(2)? Emerald Crabs (Havn't seen both in quite a while either)
(x)? Scarlet/Blue Legged Hermits (Had about 20, not sure how many are still arround
(x)? Snails - (Had a few (5-10) of 3 or 4 different kinds, not sure right now how many are in there)
Bullseye Mushroom
Yellow Colony Polyp
Button Polyp
Here were my water test results from today :
Salinity : 1.025
Temp : 79F
Ammonia : 0
Nitrate : <5
Nitrite : 0
PH : 8.1-8.2
Copper : 0
Calcium : 420-440
ALK : 2.5695 meq/L (Salifert says target of 2.9meq/L)
KH : 7.2 dKH (Salifert says target of 8 dKH)
Magnesium : 1170ppm (Salifert says target of 1300-1500)
I think my ALk/KH and Magnesium are all a little low... I have recently (2-3 20% water changes ago) changed to Tropic Marin Pro-Reef salt mix...I use RO/DO Water only, and have since setting up the tank... I've had quite a bit of green algea buildup, but not sure if that is still a result of overfeeding, to long of light cycle (I think some natural light might be hitting the tank with some window/blinds being open during the day), or what...nothing out of hand, but maybe a little more than average.
Are my ALK/KH/MAG numbers far enough off that I should be concerned, and if so, does anyone have any suggestions on a potential course of action to remedy...
Thanks in Advance,

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
your alk and mag are a little low but its nothing to be terribly worried about. Do bi-weekly water changes and you shouldnt have any problems. Can you describe this "green algae" in more detail? it on the rock, glass, sand, etc?


Mostly Glass... but also on powerheads, skimmer pump, etc... fairly bright green, and not terribly "hairy"... I think a few of my snails that had been munching pretty well on it may have become Hermit Dinners, so I think I need to restock my cleaning crew with a few more snails...
Here are a couple shots of the stuff that I couldn't reach real well without moving my LR...


a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
just making sure it wasnt hair algae you were talking about. That certainly could be due to natural light hitting your tank but its not a big problem. You could add some alk buffer to slightly raise your ALK...I use baked baking soda to raise mine.


Originally Posted by A&M Aggie 04'
just making sure it wasnt hair algae you were talking about. That certainly could be due to natural light hitting your tank but its not a big problem. You could add some alk buffer to slightly raise your ALK...I use baked baking soda to raise mine.
How much Baking Soda should I use, and how would I add in?


Active Member
I agree Alk is a little low, just keep doing water changes. Tropic marin is a good salt and should bring all back in line soon. Test phodphates too, they do feed algae and can come from overfeeding.