common question


I just got done cycling my tank 65 g tank w/110 Lbs LR and 60Lbs LS. I want to start with 2 Percula clowns. Should I get the anemane at the same time, or can I go with the clowns and get an anemane later, maybe in a few months when my tank is more mature? Thanks


Originally Posted by whothe
I just got done cycling my tank 65 g tank w/110 Lbs LR and 60Lbs LS. I want to start with 2 Percula clowns. Should I get the anemane at the same time, or can I go with the clowns and get an anemane later, maybe in a few months when my tank is more mature? Thanks

Deffinetly wait on the anemone..


Active Member
imo i would not get an anemone for atleast 6 months or more. Also a clown might not take to it. All depends on what kind of anemone and what kind of clown.


If I put 2 clown fish in, then like 6 months later put in an anemone, will the fish attack the anemone, or will worst case scenario be that they just to take to it? :happyfish


well if your getting percs like you said try a ritteri or carpet anemone. those anemones are there true hosts in the wild. i would add the pair maybe a couple days before you get the anemone so there not so used to not having one. if possible try and find a pair thats already hosting in an anemone and just buy the package when your tank matures.