COMMUNITY tank need suggestions


I have a community tank right now, 46g. I am upgrading to a 75 gallon within 30 days. Right now I have 2 saddleback clowns that have been in there since day one. I just rescued a percula clown from someone who was tearing their tank down and acclimated him to the tank. He's been in there for 24 hours and the saddlebacks are very aggressive towards him. There is aprox. 70lbs live rock. What should I do? Thanks!


I wanted to note that the saddlebacks have hosted an aenoneme in the right corner of the tank. Whenever the Percula goes past the middle of the tank, the larger saddleback(female) chases after him. I seen her trying to eat his fin about a hour ago. I've been watching the tank constantly in case there is trouble. I considered moving rock around and will do it, but I didn't know if they will calm down and accept him or not. I have a mandarin fish that they do not bother. The mandarin is pretty chill and doesn't bother anybody though. He can go right near the aenoneme and the saddlebacks don't care.