compact flourescant

is compact flourescant the same as power compacts? because they have on of those energy savers that are 12watts but equivlent to 60watts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan
is compact flourescant the same as power compacts? because they have on of those energy savers that are 12watts but equivlent to 60watts?
Yes, sort of it is the same technology, they compare the pc's to an incandesent bulb. Not other power compacts. So you are only putting 12 watts into your tank. Wait, I'm a bit confused, usually you see that on the normal light bulbs that you use in your home. And you don't see them in a typical fish fixture. Usually with PC's in a tank they use high output, because if you have corals a 12 watt bulb is useless. What are you trying to do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cleanrshrmpfan
i wanted to use a small light for a sump with cheato
ok, yeah, the wattage doesn't matter all that much, in that situation, just get a bulb with a high kelvin rating. like 5500 or 6500, I have a 15 watt 5000k bulb on mine, I found it at lowes. It works fine. I have one of those clamp on fixtures that are like 3 bucks. The fun part is going to lowes and reading every package to find the right one, then asking some one, then getting strange looks from the employees when you ask about kelvin. hehe
if you google this guy's website called melvs reef. He has some pictures of the setup I copied, and growth photos and stuff.