companion starfish for britttle star


I just got a green brittle star and the women likes it alot. I was wondering if their were any other different stars I could have in my tank.
40 aga breeder
41 lbs. Live Rock
2-55watt pc
1-20watt actinic
2- percula clownfish
3- damsels
1-green brittle star
2- sallylightfoot
11- blue legged hermits
10- turbo snails


Active Member
sure- you can put in other brittle stars- you can have diff starfish, just make sure they arent predatory, that is if you have any corals


Thanks man,
Do you personally have any suggestions for me on good stars for my tank. Can I have serpent, chocolate, or what?
Thank ya much,


Active Member
You can certainly do any other brittle or serpent star (there is no difference, is only a distinction in the aquarium hobby).
Just be sure to spot feed these guys every so often. They are sold as scavengers, but often need a bit more food.
Watch the green brittlestar, it is a known predator, though most people, IMO, have no trouble with them. I for one wish it would catch on of my damsels, but no such luck...
I do not recommend and of the Linckia or Fromia (reef safe) starfish. You can try chocolate chip, general, or african red starfish, but they are not reefsafe.


Active Member
Just make sure you acclimate them very slowly, over a period of many many hours, using a drip method.