Comparing salts


I was a regular on here about a year ago and when i was, I believe there was a thread floating around about a real serious salt test comparison, they were testing all kinds of brands and doing it very scientifically. Am I way off base or has anyone ever heard of this?


Active Member
last I heard the finals write up hasn't been done yet. but there is an expiriment going on. they were going to do a segment on it at MACNA I think


Active Member
Originally Posted by glowplug
I was a regular on here about a year ago and when i was, I believe there was a thread floating around about a real serious salt test comparison, they were testing all kinds of brands and doing it very scientifically. Am I way off base or has anyone ever heard of this?
If you google "salt mix comparison; there are several listed. I'm not sure; but when the (worlds largest) Georgia Aquarium opened, I'll bet they could get huge amounts of any salt they wanted for next to nothing, just for the advertising benefit--and they use Instant Ocean and Instant Ocean Reef.


yeah macna, I heard something in a podacast awhile ago, thats where it came from. So they still havent finialized the reults yet!!! Wow they are either doing some serious stuff, or totally slacking off!!!!!!!!!!!


I think its more of a "we want to get as much info as possible" type thing if the publish something off of 100-200 different salt batches it and put down a major product it could hold some ramification for them so I think they are wanting to be as precise as possible and they may be be doing a time test as well not sure though.


You know, one funny thing. I have asked on here about the different salts, and i have seen a few other posts about salts.. It is really funny how most people try to avoid this conversation.. Are the gods that be , being paid to keep their mouths shut.
I have never really understood why it is such a taboo to discuss salts. Like which one is best. I asked that like 3 months ago, and the thread was like a plague hit it.. I believe i had the record for bumps. One guy was brave enough to say hello on the post. then i noticed the other day it had finally cycled out, i can not find it anywhere. It really is not that huge of a deal. I was just laughing at it, and figured i would post it up.. Different salts discussion in here is like the military discussing exactly how many nuclear missles we still have. It just wont happen.


Active Member
Eric Borneman was working on it through our local reef club, MARSH. You can probably google some of those terms and "salt mix study" or something like that.
Two parts of the analysis were published but not the final bit yet.


I dont think its that I think its more of people do not know what the salt mix actually is so they dont really reply to a thread because they dont want to sound stupid talking about it. I can tell you I usually dont add much to threads about salt just because I have only used 3 brands and honestly I cant compare it to the others. there are so many ingrediants in synthetic salts I dont even want to try to think about it LOL most people will pick a brand and stick with it unless something major happens. and the only thing they can add to anything is I use X brand and havent had any problems with it.
does that make any sense at all LOL


Active Member
Also important to consider that some people look for different things in salt for reef versus FOWLR tanks. Large aquariums will often make their own mixes, or use what is cheaper (based on bulk purchase or whomever is giving them a real good deal for the marketing).
It doesn't necessarily mean that it is the best choice.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
and the only thing they can add to anything is I use X brand and havent had any problems with it.
does that make any sense at all LOL

You see Avoidance of the question , i use brand X, but brand D was pretty good too, I started using brand C, and had a nitrate issue, but when i switched to brand W, i had a calcium increase, so i figured i would try brand Y, but then the alkalinity was too high.. so then i tried a mixature of X and Y and Whola.. Perfic..
Now im just messing with everybody, it is something i have asked in the past, and nobody will tell you what kind of luck they have had with a ceartain brand. Ill be Honest, i use Reef Crystals by Instant Ocean for my tank, Now when i had a FOWLR setup i would use the Red Sea, only becasue when you read the back of the packages the red sea product doesnt say anything about inverts, or corals, and the reef crystals specifically states that it had everything need for a Complete Reef System. So that is why i use Reef Crystals.. Now ill prolly get clubbed for saying what kind of salt i use and why. Oh well i guess ill just have to keep a club with me..LOL


Like I said I hadnt been real active on here for a long time but I think when I was everyone was reccomending tropic marin. I used it for a long time and liked it, dissolved really well, tried crystal sea(sold by LFS-guy who runs it has a degree in marine biology and says its the best-only one he sells), both formulas and didnt disolve really well but ok, I tried one of the really common salts and was very dissapointed, ran it in a 5g bucket with a HUGE pump for 2 days and still couldnt see the bottom of the bucket!!!! I had a guy tell me that seachem dissolves so fast you can use it an hour after you mix---sounds scary to me but this was coming from a guy who works at the same LFS claiming he had a 200g reef, never used ro, never added any supplements and did a 50%WC once a month


Originally Posted by glowplug
Like I said I hadnt been real active on here for a long time but I think when I was everyone was reccomending tropic marin. I used it for a long time and liked it, dissolved really well, tried crystal sea(sold by LFS-guy who runs it has a degree in marine biology and says its the best-only one he sells), both formulas and didnt disolve really well but ok, I tried one of the really common salts and was very dissapointed, ran it in a 5g bucket with a HUGE pump for 2 days and still couldnt see the bottom of the bucket!!!! I had a guy tell me that seachem dissolves so fast you can use it an hour after you mix---sounds scary to me but this was coming from a guy who works at the same LFS claiming he had a 200g reef, never used ro, never added any supplements and did a 50%WC once a month
Wow, that is alot of money every month for dude, salt plus 100g of water.. Plus i would never not use RO water.. you should never have to dose supplements if you do water changes regularly. Also everything you need is probably already in the salt.. Water changes are key, I will probably try the Tropic Marin next water change. I have noticed that my Reef Crystals is a little high on the calcium. I might have a bad batch, who knows..


I have read time and time again that tropic marin is the best, but I cant get it locally!!!!!!!!!! Anyone here like seachem?


Originally Posted by glowplug
I have read time and time again that tropic marin is the best, but I cant get it locally!!!!!!!!!! Anyone here like seachem?

You can get Tropic Marin from the bidding site.. I purchase mine from there. They have from a 35 galon mix, to a 300 gallon mix.. Not bad priced either..


Seachem was my latest experiment in salt brands and it was a disaster. The pH was really high (6.1), the alk was really low (1.8), calcium high (460) and Mag was low (900). Not anywhere near what the package predicted at 1.025 sg. I thought my test kits must be bad and bought new ones--same story. So I decided to let it mix longer to see if it would level out. 24 hours later, the calcium had precipitated--probably due to the high pH and low alk? I was really disgusted.
It seems that there is no such thing as a salt mix with optimal reef parameters. I've tried a bunch over the last 7 years. I've about come to the conclusion that because many of these salt companies also make additives, they won't put out a good salt mix because they want to sell you the additives too to correct what their mixes lack.
My worst problem is usually low alk, but when I use additives (i've tried several brands) the pH shoots really high (regardless of the fact that they claim it won't go over 8.3). Am I the only reefer with this problem?