Compatability: Cleaner Goby w/Clown Goby??


Just looking for some opinions on an addition. Right now, I've only got a green clown goby in my tank. My current setup has been running for about 2 months.
20H tank
5g sump (w/siphon and return pump)
HOB filter (in sump)
CSS 65 Protein Skimmer (in sump)
Current 2x65W pc lights: 1 dual spectrum actinic/1 daylight
1 Powerhead
15 lbs Fiji LR
1-1/2" CC
15 lbs Base Rock
7 Hermits
3 Nass. Snails
1 Camel Shrimp (in sump b/c he kept munching my GSP)
Can I add a Blue Neon cleanear Goby with the Clown Goby or will they start fighting?
Also, I've read that gobies are incredibly resistant to ich. Should I still quarantine him in my copper tank (20g) for three weeks or just acclimate him into the DT? I know some people aren't a big fan of copper, but every single LFS around here has at least 1 fish w/Ich so every fish potentially has it. I'm hoping to eventually have a false perc(putting it in QT this weekend) and either a firefish/sixline/hector's goby/court jester goby/or banded possum wrasse. I'm still up in the air on what to get for the fourth and final fish. I'm also hoping that the cleaner goby will eventually clean the other fish in the tank.
I also plan on upgrading from a HOB filter to an inline so any recommendations/DIY on that would be appreciated.
Hope you folks have some input on the gobies/equipment/or other fish. I'll try to post pics of the setup if anyone's interested. The DIY Sump Setup looks commically large next to the 20gallon.


"Research everything and ask the almighty boards before you purchase anything."
Well, I just want to make sure these two gobies won't fight.