

New Member
started a new tank, 46 gal bow front, dual wheel bio-filter, protein skimmer.
cycled with live sand, 1lb live rock, 5 black mollies (mollies have been moved to fresh water tank now).
now have 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 blue damsel, 1 moroon clown.
looking to add in two weeks: more live rock (how much?), 1 neon goby, 1 royal grammer, 1 blue head wrasses.
if all remains well two weeks after that: 1 anemone (for the clown), 1 coral beauty,
1 mandarin.
if all remains well two weeks after that: 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 teddy bear crab, 2 snails.
didn't see any conflicts in the books but anyone see a problem? how many fish will this set up support and wich creatures add to the load (coral, macro alge, anemones) and will any subtract fron the load?
thanks in advance for any advice.


Active Member
What you have listed will be about all you can have fish wise. You can get more invertsthough. And you will need about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs of live rock per gallon of water. And you definately need a bigger cleanup crew. Prob. 20 snails and 15 cleaner crabs. Goodluck to ya!!


Do not get a mandarin right now...your tank is too young. Mandarins live off of pods for the most part. Your tank will not have enough pods to support a mandarin right now and you'll be wasting your money...just my .02 and personal experience. Hope this helps.


Active Member
What chosen said, I wasnt paying attention, You definately need a big pod population! or your mandaran would sterve to death! Get a bigger cleanup crew and i think your good to go! Todd


New Member
you just can't beat 1st hand experance.
got good liting, will drop the wrasses form the list and bump the manderian and anemone to the end of the list.