COMPATABILTY CHART: Clowns and Anemones!


I found this chart on another website and I'm not sure if it's 100% valid but supposedly this is the compatability between clownfish and anemones. The first listed in each group being the most compatiable anemone to that species and then so on in desending order.
False Percula Clown
(Amphiprion ocellaris)
Carpet anemone,
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
Percula Clown
(Amphiprion percula)
Carpet anemone,
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
"Sebae" Clown
(Amphiprion clarkii)
Sebae anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
Tomato Clown
(Amphiprion frenatus)
Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone
Maroon Clown
(Premnas biaculatus)
Ritteri (Maroon)anemone
Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Pink Skunk Clown
(Amphiprion perideraion)
Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone


Active Member
Cool. But I think it is important to make a few disclamers. First, a given clown may never host with an anenome, no matter how "compatible" the two are supposed to be. Second, a clown may host in any number of things that are not on the "compatiblitly" list. As an example, I have 2 false percs hosting in a sabae anenome (not listed as compatible), and a maroon clown hosting in a plate coral (not "compatible"), even though a bubble anenome (is "compatible") was available.


That's why I started my thread with "I'm not sure if this is accurate." I'm certainly no expert and wouldn't try to be.


I use to have a pink skunk w/ my sebae anemone until I got rid of the mean sucker. He would always attack me when I cleaned the tank. I replaced him w/ a true perc it took him about a week but he hosted in my existing anemone! :cheer:


Several things to say about this compatibility chart:
1. It is not meant to be used by beginner hobbyist. I believe anemones should be reserved for experienced hobbyist.
2. Keep in mind that those anemones are the natural hosts in the wild. Some of those anemones don't do well in home aquarium if caught from the wild. Hence, if you think you and your tank are ready for an anemone, please buy a tank raised. It's better for you and your tank.
3. Tank-raised clowns don't need anemones to thrive. So please don't get anemones for your tank-raised clowns because there really is no point. Your clown might not live in it, despite what the compatibility chart says.
4. Sebae clownfish and clarkii clownfish are two different species of fish. A lot of people, and LFS often confuses the two. The one that's listed in the compatibility is clarkii clownfish which will naturally host in any anemones it can find. However, sebae clown is much much more pickier than that.


I have two adorable percula clowns, one is always staring at my pulsating zenia and acts like it wants to go in and stay, is that normal? I have no anemones, should i get one? Have a 40 gal long tank with all the proper lighting.