LionFish says.......
Well there has been a bit of controversy about this tpic in the last couple days but I would say no. Not unless you want to get rid of it in a short period of time. Or you could just get a bigger tank and when it gets too big for the 30 gallon just move it to the larger tank. If you plan on getting a bigger tank in the near future than you can gte one. If not you will have to get rid of it after a period of time. And no, avoid putting another fish in with it as triggers are quite territorial especially in small tanks.
LionFish says.....
I haven't ever tried it but I doubt if it would work. Dwarf Lions get up to 7 inches and that doesn't leave a lot of room for the fish to move. Especially if it is a lionfish with those giant fins which take up a lot of space. They really need a minimum of a 55 gallon tank to really do well. Sorry to keep delivering bad news to you.
Thanks. No prob, better to find out this way than the hard way.I will take all the advice I can get, so keep it coming, cause it is appreciated. Thanks ppl.