compatibility help please

looking for my 3rd and final fish.
29 gallon fowlr
40 lbs LS
50 lbs LR
6 astreal snails
maroon clown
The clown is good sized - maybe 2 1/2 inches. i want a new fish that will not be too agressive, yet won't be intimidated / picked on by the clownfish. the clownfish typically leaves the mandarin alone, and am hoping to find a fish with personality and color that will peacefully fit in with those two.
suggestions please? the tanks is about 5 months old, parameters are perfect. ammonia and trites zero, trates negligable. 1.023, 78 degrees, 8.3 pH.
thanks - Ed


Well, I am not sure about the cardinal but my Fire-fish is a bit skittish. He is comming out more and more so I think it might be to early to say. I have heard that if they are in pairs they will be less shy and swim around the tank more.


Active Member

Originally posted by JerseySaltwater
bangaii cardinal?
purple firefish?
both are beautiful. how are their personalities?

i have both of those and both are peaceful. either ne would be a great fish, but be careful getting a firefish with the mandarin. they have similar shapes so there could possibly be some agression there.


Active Member
Hasn't anyone on this board told you that you need at least a hundred gallon tank, probably bigger filled with live rock and large pod population that has been breeding in the tank for at least four or five months to sustain the amount of pods needed by a single mandarin? And that is only if the tank does not contain any other fish that eat pods too. Most fish will eat pods. Mandarins will not eat anything but live food, and they cannot survive on only brine shrimp. Do the beautiful mandarin a favor and do not get one just to watch it slowly starve to death in a 29 gallon. Lesley


Active Member
Get a dwarf angel, that should be a nice addition to your setup. As for your mandarin, what's done is done, try to setup a refugium to harvest pods undisturbed so you'll always have some on hand. HTH
dwarf angel sounds nice - perhaps a flame angel?
as for the mandarin surviving / thriving, i should have mentioned, i keep more live rock in a separate tank, so that pods can be bred. every month i swap that rock with some display tank rock, continuing the cycle. that was suggested to me by an LFS i have come to trust. this is a short-term solution, as i intend to move up to a 100 gallon tank after the new year, and i'll keep the 29 as perhaps a single specimen tank, or maybe even try my hand at a minireef in it, yes, i am primarily concerned with the health and happiness of the fish, and would not keep them just to enjoy their beauty if i didn't feel capable of sustaining their lives. i lost too many fish with my first set up, what with overstocking / stress before finding these boards. thank you for your genuine concern - i have come to love and respect them similarly.