Compatibility Questions


I am looking at starting a tank and keeping 3 of the deadliest fish on earth in it (Stone, Scorpion and Dwarf lion) Will these guys work together??? I want to put all of them in a 55 gallon tank. Those would be the only fish in there but that might be maxing out the bio load. Well any experience with the Scorpions or stonefish would be great too!!!!!


Active Member
Dwarf lions and scorpionfish aren't the other two deadliest fish. Scorpionfishes venom is usually mild, causing discomfort and pain (sometimes severe) but not life threatening. Besides the stonefish, the weaverfish are the most venomous I believe. Stonefish are pretty boring, IMO rarely moving. The only time you would see it move is feeding it, and it will just open its enormous mouth and gulp whatever floats by. I'm not sure wether you would need a permit or not to keep a stonefish, contact your local fish and game office. Bo


Allow me to point out the obvious.
There is a major difference betwen getting stung by a scorpionfish and getting dead.
I know you think its makes you Kewl to keep stone fish, but accidents happen. I have a tank w/ lions and have been stung 2 times in 7 yrs. Both times were flat out accidents. If either time its was a stone fish i would be at the hospital wishing someone had antivenom. 99% of the hospital/ER don't, and if your lucky you will only permantly loose feeling the your hand/arm which is stung.
Stonefish also will outgrow and outeat those othe two scorpion. The dwarf will be food intially.
If you want some totally cool scorpions, find someone w/ popeyed seagoblins (Inimicus didactylus), they are 10 time cooler than lionfish, are also poisonous and make stone fish look cute.
If you have a deathwish i say go get those coral sea snakes, at least your guarenteed to be bitten and guarenteed to not make it to the hospital.