

New Member
I have a 60gallon tank that has been up and running with live rock and sand for 3months and I am now ready to put things in it.
I want to put a puffer, a tang, and a dwarf lion in?
Can some one tell me what species would be best I was thinking a yellow tang, a valentini puffer and a fuzzy dwarf lion?
How dose that sound any modifications? Any thing else that could be added?


It sounds like you have the right idea. Some of the species of fish (tangs, lions, and puffers) that you have picked would get wayyy to big for a 60 gallon tank, and you have picked the smallest of them. I think that your picks would do just great in your tank.
Have you tested your water to make sure that it has actually cycled with the live rock and sand? I would definitely reccommend doing that before adding anything in there.
As for adding something else, I think clownfish make a wonderful addition to any tank. Preferably Maroon clowns.
HTH. Good luck!


New Member
Yes, I have tested the water
pH 8.2
SG. 1.021
Ammonia 0.0 ppm
Nitrites 0.0 ppm
Nitrates 0.2-3ish it has spiked 3 but has remained between 0 and .2
Maroon clowns??? Really???? :thinking: Could I put a pair in?


Your numbers looks good except I would bring your SG up a bit to around 1.024 or 1.025.
As for your fishy, if you wanna more aggressive tank, maroon would be your choice IMO since they tend to stay bigger and stronger than other clowns and yes you can put a pair. Valentini puffer is a cute little fish and I think you would love him.


Make sure you BUY them as a pair, though, or else they will fight. Or buy two that are still juveniles. If they are small enough, they haven't changed --- yet, and you have a better chance of them pairing up.


New Member
Is there any thing else that can be added?
Like a lobster, Scallop, Feather dusters, Crabs, Urchins, Starfish, Snails?


Correct me if I am wrong.. With maroon clowns you always want to pair a larger fish with a smaller fish. Unlike other clowns species they are known to keep fighting and never pair up.
From what I have read, with maroons specificly, its better if you start with a larger(older) one (or buy one wait a few months for it to mature) and then later introduce a smaller one. Effectively the larger one will change to female (if it has not already) and the smaller one will change into a sexual male once its accepted its submissive role.
Please advise if I am not correct, as I am planning to add a pair of gold striped maroons in the near future.


I have the LFS holding a pair of GSM clowns for me. They have been at the LFS for at least two months so I am picking them up this week for my tank.



Originally posted by johnny5
Correct me if I am wrong.. With maroon clowns you always want to pair a larger fish with a smaller fish. Unlike other clowns species they are known to keep fighting and never pair up.
From what I have read, with maroons specificly, its better if you start with a larger(older) one (or buy one wait a few months for it to mature) and then later introduce a smaller one. Effectively the larger one will change to female (if it has not already) and the smaller one will change into a sexual male once its accepted its submissive role.
Please advise if I am not correct, as I am planning to add a pair of gold striped maroons in the near future.

A clownfish will only change into a male if it hasn't developed into any --- yet. (they can't change from female to male) and a clown by itself for a long period of time will eventually change into a female. So if you were to add another clown that is smaller, it would REALLY have to be a lot smaller, or a juvenile, so that you would be sure that it hasn't changed --- yet.