

Can I add a neon goby to a reef tank that has a lawnmower blenny and a yellow wrasse?
I also have 3 perculas, and a coral banded shrimp and miscellaneous snails and crabs...
I am really only concerned about the wrasse (since it's also a burrowing fish) and the blenny since gobies and blennys are somewhat similar...
It's a 60 gallon reef tank... losts of simple corals as well.... polyps, mushrooms, zoos...


I bought a cleaner shrimp last week and immediately the coral banded shrimp caught him and ate him!!
I wanted to add another cleaner...(that's why I am considering the neon goby)
but want to make sure I don't sentence him to death immediately!!


Active Member
I've not come across stories of CBS attacking small fish, but I guess it could happen. Might try trading the CBS in with LFS and get another cleaner. Then you would have no worries.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I had trouble catching some peppermints a while back to get out of refugium. I took a small piece of shrimp and put it in a net. Waited for the shrimp to go munching and pulled the net and peppermints out. Might work for you.
Good Luck!