

This is what I would love to set up (next year or so).
120 Gallon (60 by 18 by 26)
@115 LR
Emperor prefer an adult
Pair of Clownfish (Maroon, Black w/ white)
Porcupine Puffer
2 Feather Dusters/Fan worms
In what order to introduce?
Is there any way? Any suggestions? Approx. how much LS, with like 4 to 5 inch base?
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry for all the ?s


Thanks for the sound input. I might be over stepping my bounds here, but could a manderinfish work with these guys as well?


Ehhh...the porker puffer would probably eat a mandarin. Literally anything that will fit in its' mouth (including your finger) it doesn't really matter what it tastes like to porkers. I'd also be wary of the feather dusters. Porkers are fond of taking potshots at things that they swim by (matters not fish, rock, heater tube, bubble lol) I don't know how long the crowns would last. Although I've never tried it myself, I'm just guessing from knowing my porker as well as I do. The silly thing keeps knocking my bahama star off the glass. It knows it can't eat it (from the 7billion times it's knocked it off before) and it doesn't even try. I think it gets bored from time to time. *shrugs*


Active Member
I would also keep that Emperor Angel out of there.......Adult you say? Those fish are huge........barely able to turn around in a 120.