compatible with lunare wrasse


i'm interested in getting a lunare wrasse for my 125gal FOWLR. the current inhabitants are 7"hippo tang, 4"achilles tang, 6"yellow boxfish, 4" LN butterfly, spotted hawk, yellow watchman goby, 6 astrea snails and 2 queen conchs.
Would there be any agression problems with this setup? I've read that lunare's can get very nasty as they mature.


Active Member
How long have your tangs been in there. If it's been a while you may have problems with your Regal. I'm usually not one to talk but you're getting close if not "there" on your load.
Depending on your maintenance schedule, bio filtration and skimming and the 'attitude' of your Regal it could work. I have a Red Coris Wrasse in my 125 along with a couple of tangs. But, the wrasse was there first.
Good Luck!


hey jumpfrog
the filtration is 30gal wet/dry with bioballs, kent nautilus skimmer, 25watt UV.
the hippo has been in the tank since the setup (03/03) and the achilles was in there about 1 month later. Both tangs are the "kings" of the tank but i thought a wrasse as a last fish could handle the agression but i could be wrong. I was also looking a the red coris wrasse as well are u happy with yours?
my lunare wrasse can handle tons of aggression. Its in a tank with a huge clarks clown. When i got the wrasse my clown tried non stop to kill him. after about a week my clown calmed down a little but still the little 3 inch wrasse standing up to a much bigger clown. that takes balls on the wrasse's part:D
i had a lunar wrasse in my 150 with a koran angel and the lunar would always take chunks out of my angel, and the lunar was added last, mean lil booger in my opp, never bothered my purple tang though


I also had a lunar wrasse.It was my favorite fish util it got aggresive once it got older.I eventually had to give it to a retailer.


thanks for the replies,
i dont think i'll get the lunare, but i would like to get some kind of large wrasse in there. Any suggestions? maybe a red coris or paddlefin wrasse?