Originally Posted by
BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions/20#post_3347821
Updated Stocklist (still needs work): *owned
1 Blonde Naso Tang*
1 Purple Tang*
2 Clownfish (Ocellaris - more than likely, need "Nemo" for the kids)
1 Mystery Wrasse*
1 Bullet Banded Sleeper Goby*
1 Green Target Mandarin*
1 Borbonius Anthias (could become 2, depends on money and availability)
1 Common Cleaner Wrasse*
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish*
1 Black Combtooth Blenny*
1 Tail Spot Blenny*
3 Bartlett's or Evansi or Resplendent Anthias or keep my three Maldives Lyretails (anyone know anything aboutResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus), I don't know much about them, but hubby likes them)
1 Yellow Candy Hogfish
1Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) aka Diamond tail fairy wrasse
Leopard Wrasse (possibly a pair)
Possibly keeping my Orchid Dottyback in this tank, we'll see.
Any thoughts on this fish:
Venustus Angelfish (Centropyge venustus) - I need to do some more research, but it's beautiful. A member of my local reef club just got one and it's really nice. I don't think it will go in this tank, but I'd like to maybe do this in another.