Compiling my 180 stocklist... suggestions?


Active Member
have you looked at some of the crazy picasso clownfish that are around lfs gets them alot and they are really neat looking.


Some more thoughts:
Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) aka Diamond tail fairy wrasse
Venustus Angelfish (Centropyge venustus) - I need to do some more research, but it's beautiful. A member of my local reef club just got one and it's really nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions#post_3347354
Originally Posted by Gemmy
How about my lemon peel? I'm bored of it and want to add something different to my tank.

I've been thinking about a LemonPeel in place of the Flame Angel, but I'm scared that it and the Coral Beauty have the same body type and will fight, the CB is very aggressive. I would definitely consider yours since it's reef safe, LOL
I forgot to mention that my lemon peel has turned into a model citizen. It has left all my coral alone, grazes the rocks and my powerheads (it's funny when it gets blown away).


Updated Stocklist (still needs work): *owned
1 Blonde Naso Tang*
1 Purple Tang*
2 Clownfish (Ocellaris - more than likely, need "Nemo" for the kids)
1 Mystery Wrasse*
1 Bullet Banded Sleeper Goby*
1 Green Target Mandarin*
1 Borbonius Anthias (could become 2, depends on money and availability)
1 Common Cleaner Wrasse*
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish*
1 Black Combtooth Blenny*
1 Tail Spot Blenny*
3 Bartlett's or Evansi or Resplendent Anthias or keep my three Maldives Lyretails (anyone know anything aboutResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus), I don't know much about them, but hubby likes them)
1 Yellow Candy Hogfish
1Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) aka Diamond tail fairy wrasse
Leopard Wrasse (possibly a pair)
Possibly keeping my Orchid Dottyback in this tank, we'll see.
Any thoughts on this fish:
Venustus Angelfish (Centropyge venustus) - I need to do some more research, but it's beautiful. A member of my local reef club just got one and it's really nice. I don't think it will go in this tank, but I'd like to maybe do this in another.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions/20#post_3347821
Updated Stocklist (still needs work): *owned

1 Blonde Naso Tang*
1 Purple Tang*
2 Clownfish (Ocellaris - more than likely, need "Nemo" for the kids)
1 Mystery Wrasse*
1 Bullet Banded Sleeper Goby*
1 Green Target Mandarin*
1 Borbonius Anthias (could become 2, depends on money and availability)
1 Common Cleaner Wrasse*
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish*
1 Black Combtooth Blenny*
1 Tail Spot Blenny*
3 Bartlett's or Evansi or Resplendent Anthias or keep my three Maldives Lyretails (anyone know anything aboutResplendent Anthias (Pseudanthias pulcherrimus), I don't know much about them, but hubby likes them)
1 Yellow Candy Hogfish
1Golden Rhomboidalis Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) aka Diamond tail fairy wrasse
Leopard Wrasse (possibly a pair)
Possibly keeping my Orchid Dottyback in this tank, we'll see.
Any thoughts on this fish:
Venustus Angelfish (Centropyge venustus) - I need to do some more research, but it's beautiful. A member of my local reef club just got one and it's really nice. I don't think it will go in this tank, but I'd like to maybe do this in another.


I think your stock list looks great! Very similar to what I would do if I had the space.
maybe for your "wow" fish you could consider a magnificent foxface although I guess that would be kinda like adding another tang


Originally Posted by charmander http:///forum/thread/382975/compiling-my-180-stocklist-suggestions/20#post_3348169
I think your stock list looks great! Very similar to what I would do if I had the space.
maybe for your "wow" fish you could consider a magnificent foxface although I guess that would be kinda like adding another tang
I had seriously considered a magnificent foxface, but hubby won't put his hand in the tank if I add anything "poisonus". I'm also going to be doing an aggressive tank of some sort in the near future and may put one in there, since there will already be a lion, and he won't go near that either. We settled on adding the purple tang with the Naso instead of a Mag. Foxface as a result of his fear, LOL.
I think the wow fish is going to be the Borbonius Anthias pair. There goes part of my tax return. My thing with anthias is that people who know nothing about reefs call anthias "saltwater goldfish" a lot and they don't have that "wow" factor. People are in the hobby are much more impressed. I want a fish that makes everyone do the "oooh, ahhh" thing, lol, which isn't easy. I know no matter what I do, grandpa will still go "Where's Nemo?" and refer to all moving LPS corals and feather dusters and "anemones"