I live in Salem, Or and I am haveing troubles with Fred Meyers Construction Crew! The code enforcment for noise is they can work out side from 7am - 10pm. I am ok with that but They are tearing down walla and redoing there parking lot at 2am! I have contacted Fred Meyerscorp office ad they just say that they are hear to please the customers and neighbors, but still do nothing about ALL the noise complaints that they receive. I have called the cops a number of times in the middle of the night rangeing from 1am to 5am due to all the noise they are makeing. I have called code enforcement and they said just to call 911 and put in a complaint. WELL I have done that and they are still getting warnings and they are STILL makeing the noise that keeps me up. Right now it is 2am and they have there tractors out and running and doing some paveing. I live like 40 feet from there parking lot on the back half. WHAT should I do? Anyone been in this situation? The company name of the construction site is SKANSKA. I would like them to stop ALL work being done out side and do it during the day. My wife and I feel like they are just giveing us the push around till the sight is done, but the question is when will it be done? They were suppose to be done before Thanksgiveing. I bet they have at least 2 months left of work. My neighbors and I were thinking about going door to door and putting up flires on the door saying call 911 if you hear anymore construction noise from 10pm to 7am. ANY INPUT would be great. MY wife and I are now not shopping at Fred Meyers due to them not working with us and being like a car salemen. They just giveing us a line of cra* and going about there business.