Today I received a letter from the city stateing that Fred Meyers doesn't have enough parking. BEFORE they started this project the city said that they needed 605 parking spaces which is Chapter 133 of Salem's Revised Code (20% of business). Now that they rebuild the bus stop that took up 2 parking spaces they want to change the revised code. They have been GRANTED to there request of only haveing 529 parking spaces which is only 12.3%. My neighbors and I got together and we are thinking about appealing there idea. This company has been LIEING to use from the beggining. DUE TO ALL the noise in the past we don't think they should be able to push us around like they have been.
So we have decided to appeal this so that Fred Meyers has to do one of the two things if WE win. Tear down part of the remodel so that they can fit another 74 parking spaces, OR they must make there parking lot bigger. In order for them to do that THEY must buy my house and two other neighbors.
One thing they have to consider is that RULES are made for a reason and they ALL should stick by them! Fred Meyers and the city have known that there will be a parking issue from the begging due to my family and others have pointed this out, but they just let it ride.
What do I got to looseif I and neighbors try to appeal this situation?
So we have decided to appeal this so that Fred Meyers has to do one of the two things if WE win. Tear down part of the remodel so that they can fit another 74 parking spaces, OR they must make there parking lot bigger. In order for them to do that THEY must buy my house and two other neighbors.
One thing they have to consider is that RULES are made for a reason and they ALL should stick by them! Fred Meyers and the city have known that there will be a parking issue from the begging due to my family and others have pointed this out, but they just let it ride.
What do I got to looseif I and neighbors try to appeal this situation?