Complaining Fred Meyers Construction!


Today I received a letter from the city stateing that Fred Meyers doesn't have enough parking. BEFORE they started this project the city said that they needed 605 parking spaces which is Chapter 133 of Salem's Revised Code (20% of business). Now that they rebuild the bus stop that took up 2 parking spaces they want to change the revised code. They have been GRANTED to there request of only haveing 529 parking spaces which is only 12.3%. My neighbors and I got together and we are thinking about appealing there idea. This company has been LIEING to use from the beggining. DUE TO ALL the noise in the past we don't think they should be able to push us around like they have been.
So we have decided to appeal this so that Fred Meyers has to do one of the two things if WE win. Tear down part of the remodel so that they can fit another 74 parking spaces, OR they must make there parking lot bigger. In order for them to do that THEY must buy my house and two other neighbors.
One thing they have to consider is that RULES are made for a reason and they ALL should stick by them! Fred Meyers and the city have known that there will be a parking issue from the begging due to my family and others have pointed this out, but they just let it ride.
What do I got to looseif I and neighbors try to appeal this situation?


Active Member
this is not legal advice
well, they will never be forced to tear down part of the parking structure!!
:nope: I think you will lose, as this is a political issue and if the city wants to grant them this change, off the top of my head I do not see how you can win except kicking those morons out of office.
If they were granting some type of favor to them, then if you found someone else in the same situation, you could have some sort of claim, but otherwise, I think you are out of luck
- mind you my last final is tomorrow and my mind is pretty messed up
this is not legal advice


Getting ready to try to appeal the citys decision on Fred Meyers parking lot being to small. Since the construction has been done now for a little over a week now there has been a few fender benders and pedestrians almost getting hit do to the structure of the parking lot. I think with this happening it may help us appeal the granted parking lot. I have till Dec. 28 to appeal it.


They are like a expensize side of Wal-Mart. They have groceries, clothes, home improvements, garden, they also have resturants and banks,

in there also. Pretty much the same size as Wal-Mart maybe alittle bigger. This store that has the construction going on is sitting on a 11 acres. The store it's self is 149,700 square ft. Now that may sound like a lot of room for parking but now add side walks, drive ways, flower beds, good will trailer, cart return bins, small building apx 500 sq. ft. for bottle return that is not attach to the main building. Also a bus stop, a place to buy stamps out in the middle of the parking lot, also 3 other business are useing the parking lot for there business also. They are.... Laundry mat, Jackie's ribs (Resturant), and a little sandwaich deli. They also added a drive thru

on the side of the building.
I went there today to check out the parking and I would say that since the construction has stopped and no employees from that crew there parking lot was about 90% full.
I sent the corp office an E-Mail stating that we might sell our house do to the figures that I came up with. They are short 74 parking spots. Average person spends about $30 a half hour. So full hour would be $60 X 74 parking spots = $4,440 an hr.. Now times $4,440 to 12 hour days = $53,280 per day.... Now just useing 90 days instead of the full 365 due to slow season you go $53,280 X 90 days = $4,795,200 per year. I think they would be considering buy the last few houses after seeing this figure. If they lets say purchase the last 3 house for $400,000 each equals to $1.2 mil they would make that up in less then 4 months. Then rest of the year and there on forward would be in there pocket.


RRRRRRRRR I had no idea that to appeal something it would cost me $255. Thats crazy! She told me that if I would of gone through my neighbor hood watch group then it wont cost me a dime. I find that very upsetting! I told her that I turned that in last Thursday 12-23-04 and you now give me a call the day after I can appeal it. She said that she was going to find out if they can still accept the appeal if the neighbor hood watch turns it in. They had 3 full days of calling me to tell me this. I find that kinda funny!


GREAT news for my neighbors and I regarding the appeal. I went to my Neighborhood Association and voiced some of my concerns regading the parking lot issue and some other safty issues as well. Out of 7 board members I have 6 of them on my side. They all said that Fred Meyer's needs to start showing some of the items that they have mentioned from the begging before asking the community to back them up any further in there remodel. I guess there was a meeting with 7 councils and the city mayor regarding the concerns that I have brought up a week ago. All of them want to hear me out and give a presetation on what needs to happen with this company. So far the city has stopped there construction except for 1 area until we have our meeting. Hope we get the company to do the right thing rather than mess the hole neighborhood with there remodel. WISH US LUCK.


Active Member
to clarify what meijers is.: its a multi billion dollar corperation that is nation wide.around long before wall marts I dont know about the laws in Or but I live in Mich state and local rules for contractors very from city to city. city restrictions can be kinda lifted or should i say ignored by the city .but if the codes are state rulings the state is who you have to deal with in these matters.michigan has Olsha and if a company brekas any of Olshas regulations that company is fined to the fullest amount pos and or closed some research for you state and city building codes all these should be at your fingertips online good luck


Just found out that the city would like to hear about why I want to appeal the parking issue at Fred Meyer's. On of the ladies that has been helping me with this has asked me to present some of the issues to the council and city mayor. Hope all goes well and I'll keep everyone posted if anyone is still interested in whats been happening the last few months.


Once again Fred Meyer's has lied to us again and at our neighborhood ass. meeting last night! So I decided that if they are going to play like that then I need to go public! So in the Northwest area I called channel 2 news and the story will be on Friday 2-11-05 at appr. 5:30pm. They where over for close to 2 hrs with the interview so if you guys would like to see what I have been dealing wityh in the last 10 months please watch. They will have documents, pictures and all kinds of things.