Complete with all rock, and what am I?


This is how my tank looks now. I have 27 lbs LR. I added a couple of these damsels, anybody know what they are and if I am in for trouble having 2 in the same tank? I didn't want to spend the big bucks on something yet, but I wanted to make sure my tank was cycled.



yellow-tail damsel! Dont get too big, kinda aggressive, and your in for a long and drawn out adventure if you try to get them out of your tank for real fish.


Active Member
Lookin way good, and with those yellow tails, get a fishing pole!!! You are really in for it!!!!
And just a tip so you dont have your thermoeter just free floating, put it in the back in the middle chamber.... hides it nice and gives the same temp reading! Just a thought, like how its turnin out!!!


i like your aquascaping. toss out those damsels. you will get sick of them and they will give u nothing but problems. if you want a good fish throw in a clown. otherwise looks great so far.


So they're hard to catch, is that what you all are saying? :scared: Great...... One is beating the heck out of the other, so they may have to go soon. Thanks for the kind words! Corals within a couple weeks!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :joy:


Those are the Blue Damsels. They have the yellow tail when they are younger and will turn a more greyish blue with a more white tail as they mature. We have a 25 gallon with 7 Damsels in it and they are fun to watch. (2 Blue Devils, 2 Dominos, 2 Yellow and 1 Blue) They're very busy, never just hang out, kick up the sand and chase each other around. Each definitely has it's own personality too and the different types behave differently from each other. Dominos behave alot like the Clowns, which are cousins to Damsels. One of ours has adopted our frogspawn.
They are very territorial and won't welcome additions to the tank. If you want to catch them, you're gonna have to take the rock out or it will never happen. Even then...good luck!