Completely confused


Active Member
I'm not a gambler, but I'd start by checking voltage, and probably missed it, but what corals are you keeping? All corals appear to be normal as before?


Well-Known Member
I don't know man, is it possible someone other than you could have put something in the tank? Have you ticked anyone off lately? Yeah, I'd get the meter out and check for voltage, stick one probe in the water and the other to a known ground or something metal and see what you pick up.


Active Member
My thinking on the voltage issue if it was strong enough to do your fish in, then it will just be a matter of time before your corals start to show signs as well.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/386363/completely-confused/20#post_3393291
My thinking on the voltage issue if it was strong enough to do your fish in, then it will just be a matter of time before your corals start to show signs as well.
I wonder if the rocks and sand make a difference....My fish were fine and my coral and inverts were killed. That means the rocks and sand took the jolt in my tank....
Maybe his is just the opposite, the water column took the zap and the rocks and sand critters were fine and if that's the case wouldn't the corals and inverts be safe as long as they stay on the rock and sand?


Active Member
Flower I'm no electrician, but from what I've read corals and such being subjected over a period of time would suffer ill fate. Highly doubt the rock and sand are taking the charge.


WOW, this is kinda scary .. .. I'd hate to have hundreds of dollars in a tank and then instantly everything is dead ... . . I'm just starting out, haven't even bought fish yet,,, .. This makes me hesitant to spend alot of money ..


Active Member

WOW, this is kinda scary .. .. I'd hate to have hundreds of dollars in a tank and then instantly everything is dead ... . . I'm just starting out, haven't even bought fish yet,,, .. This makes me hesitant to spend alot of money ..
SPEND !!!! :laughing:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/386363/completely-confused/20#post_3394104
Flower I'm no electrician, but from what I've read corals and such being subjected over a period of time would suffer ill fate. Highly doubt the rock and sand are taking the charge.
The first thing dead in my tank was the inverts and the coral drew up into tight little balls...the fish were unhurt. So you think it was another case of coincidence that it just SEEMED that the critters on my rocks took the brunt of the shock? I'm good for doing that.
At any rate, I dont really see how it could be stray voltage. How can an electric charge be so strong to kill every fish and shrimp and the coral and anemone not be bothered at all. The coral might take time to draw up but the anemone is pure water and super sensitive to any kind of sudden change.


Active Member
I don't think it's the mere fact of being so strong, but remember they are totally surrounded and being bombarded with the voltage.