Compter People

reef noob

Hi computer people,
I'm puting together gaming computer and would like motherbord reomendtions.

Thanks all


Active Member
ASUS top notch. if your building a gamming pc a $45 dollr board aint gonna cut it.
whats the board number
if you have the money Asus recently camout with a sweet MB madde for gaming
heres the number P5N32-E SLI i think it goes fo rlike 175 200


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
ASUS top notch. if your building a gamming pc a $45 dollr board aint gonna cut it.
whats the board number
if you have the money Asus recently camout with a sweet MB madde for gaming
heres the number P5N32-E SLI i think it goes fo rlike 175 200


Asus.... $45 is really not gonna cut it. If you are gonna build a gaming computer its gonna set you back atleast $100 or so...
What are gonna be the rest of the specs...


Active Member
IMO, the days of building PC's are long gone in terms of being cost effective. Those were the good ole days. It was a great passive income. If buying a gaming machine instead of building one is an option I would check out a Dell XPS 720 H2C. Alienwares are also nice but they have a nasty price tag.
I personally havent't gamed in quite a while but the lastest generation of games (UT3 for example) are insane when it comes to resource utilization. Be sure to get a beast and , in my opinion SLI is a must!!!
Good Luck!!!


You also have have to consider how much you are willing to spend. Sometimes its just better to buy one. nVidia 8800 can set you back $300 alone. Imagine SLI. Plus the power supply SLI and the MOBO SLI plus cooling... I hope you thought about this already :)

clown boy

Active Member
This may be a leeetle big of an overkill, but I'd go with the Intel Quad Core. I'm building a computer right now for movie production, but that and a gaming machine have about the same requirements (i.e. they both have good graphics cards, processors, etc).
Here, I'll show you. It's set up to have a RAID-0 for the OS drive, and a RAID-5 for the data system. Hard drives included, except the two for the OS RAID which I already have.

clown boy

Active Member
eh.... I'd have to disagree. Intels are the front runner right now for Speed, and speed is what gamers need.