computer controller

mx mr bean

Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
ever heard of timers! they work and are cheaper.....
lol yes they do save loads of money ooposed to computer systems like aqua controllers.


Active Member
Timers...One for the hqi, one for the atinics, one for the moonlights, one for the uv...what a mess I have.
And not nearly as cool as a computer control system. Hey its the 21 century my phone can send email and check for specials. Why not spend a few bucks to have good control over my grand in corals.


Active Member
I use the Neptune Aquacontroller Jr, but my main tank lights are still on analog timers. I don't know why I don't just switch them over the the controller. I use the ACJR for the temp controller, timer for the fuge, pH monitoring and control, and topoffs.


Active Member
I'd certainly never buy one just to control my lights... but if you want to control the whole tank those things are nice, especially if you use ca reactors and/or ozone, as you can set all the limits for pH and ORP. I've never been able to justify the price of them myself... for what they do they seem pretty steep...