Concept on water Changes


As a rule of thumb what is the concept on water changes? Do most do water changes before feeding or after feeding? How long before or how long after?

noah's nemo

I think its all personal thinking.I for example,do one every 3 weeks.Really has nothing to do with before feeding ,or after,I guees you could do it after.Or just do it whenever.I'll do 5 gallons,for a 75 gallon tank.Not sure what % that is ,but most ppl say do a 5-10%.

luca brasi

I usually prep the water one day and do a 20% change the next morning before the lights come on. I think it less stressful since most fish are still hiding anyway...


Active Member
feeding doesn't play a role in when I do water changes. I feed every other day so if it falls on a feeding day it just does. I feed in the evening when I do so water changes are usually before feeding. If I were looking for idealness I'd feed and then do a water change but thats seems trivial considering the amount of feedings that occur between water changes. As far as lights and such I dont do water changes until the lights are on so I can see. I usually scrape the glass and clean off the pumps ect so I need to see. Doesn't bother the fish. the clowns follow me around eating the algae I scrape off when they arent biting my arm.
by concept you mean the purpose mostly export of unwanted stuff (nitrates, phospates, nutrients, co2, who knows what else) and replentishing of desirable stuff thats been utilized (trace elements).


I would mix your water then leave it for 24 hrs with a powerhead to give it a good mix and to have a good air flow in that water already. The helps to but less stress on everything in your tank.


Ive done several water changes I was just curious how others do it in regards to feeding. I normally have 25 gallons mixed and agitated at least 48 hours in advance. Thats for a 75 gallon. I guess it really doesn't make too much of a difference if the wc is before or after.


Active Member
Besides letting the water agitate for atleast 24 hours, another good idea is to use a heater to bring it to same temp as the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Besides letting the water agitate for atleast 24 hours, another good idea is to use a heater to bring it to same temp as the tank.
Alot of people forget that detail.. Its a very important part of the whole process.Esp. if your systems leans on the smaller size or your not readding the water to the sump.
But in my case if it is within 5-8 degrees of the same I go ahead and change it anyways..
I do water changes every 3 days, but do smaller ones(10-12 gallons) the total volume in my systems stands around 250gallons now, So I have a good bit of water that is a stable temp..10 gallons wont drop it even 2 degrees